We caught up with sophomore Olivia Welch, a Health Management and Policy major, to hear about her experience at UNH and CHHS.

Olivia w

Q: What made you decide to pursue your undergraduate education at UNH?

A: I chose to pursue my undergraduate education at UNH because I loved the campus and wanted to be close to home. UNH was somewhere I knew I would be happy and could get involved on campus.

Q: What do you like most about the Health Management and Policy program?

A: Choosing to major in HMP has, so far, been one of the best choices I have made! My advisor and professors have already helped make me feel at home at UNH. They truly care about me and want me to succeed, both in the classroom and outside of school. HMP is also a very small major, and I have enjoyed getting to really connect with my professors and other HMP students.

Q: How do you find that faculty and staff support you?

A: My advisor, Pam Thomas, has been the biggest help in supporting me at UNH. She has helped me to get involved in different extracurricular activities such as becoming a Dean’s Ambassador. She has also helped guide me through any questions I have had. Additionally, all my professors have been extremely supportive and committed to helping me understand what I am learning. The professors are always willing to meet with you if you have any questions.

Q: How has UNH helped you in your job or internship search?

A: So far, UNH has helped me to get involved in different activities on campus which have helped me to grow as a person and a leader. I am a Dean’s Ambassador, the External Affairs Chair on the Student Senate, and a member of my sorority Chi Omega’s Philanthropy Committee. My involvement has also prepared me for future career and has taught me important communication skills.  I am only a sophomore, so I have yet to get deeply involved in an internship search, but I have started to narrow down the careers I am specifically interested in. At UNH, I have the opportunity to double minor, which is allowing me to broaden my education and learn more about topics that interest me.

Olivia and others

Q: How have experiential learning opportunities shaped your experience at UNH?

A: In particular, my epidemiology lab has allowed me to place myself in epidemiologic case studies and learn about the real consequences that could come from my actions. I enjoy experiential learning since I can actually place myself in a scenario and learn from it.

Q: What advice would you give to students who are contemplating pursuing the same major as you?

A: I would advise other students who are interested in HMP to give it a shot! HMP is truly a great mix of healthcare and business and can be applied to so many different careers. I have greatly enjoyed all my major classes so far and am looking forward to future years. There are so many great opportunities that come from healthcare-related jobs as there will always be a demand for them. HMP is the best.