Student Outcome Data

Employment Rates: Number and percentage of CSD graduates who have been employed in the profession within one year of graduation, including graduates who are either employed or are pursuing further education in the profession, over the past three years.

Period Employment Rate in Professions
Number of graduates (#) by Report
Percent of graduates (%)
2022/2023 25 86%
2021/2022 21 95%
2020/2021 21 100%
3 year average   100%

Praxis Data: Praxis Examination pass rates for the previous three periods/testing-cycles for graduates of the CSD program based on available ETS data.

Period Number of Students Taking the Exam # of Students Passed Pass Rate
2023/2024 29 29 100%
2022/2023 29 29 100%
2021/2022 22 22 100%
3 year average     100%

Program Completion Rates: Average program completion rates for graduate students in the last 3 years in relation to program’s published expectation for length of time for students to complete the degree, based on enrollment data.

Period # Completed program on time # Completed later than on-time # Not completing Percentage completing
2023/2024 30 2 0 94%
2022/2023 25 4 2 91%
2021/2022 20 2 0 100%
3 year average       88%