NH's Preschool Development Grant (PDG) Activities & Resources

NH's Preschool Development Grant (PDG) Activities & Resources
Forest view looking up toward sky through the trees

  • New Hampshire's Preschool Development Grant  (PDG) is helping build a solid foundation to improve outcomes for NH's children, families, schools, and communities. We aim to make New Hampshire’s early childhood care and education system more effective, inclusive, responsive, efficient, and evidence-informed. 

  • PDG Logo
    Meredith O'Shea
                                    Pettee Hall
                                    55 College Road
                                    Durham, NH 03824
                                    (603) 862 2146

PDG Activities

The New Hampshire Preschool Development Grant (PDG) focuses on five key activities: conducting annual needs assessments to identify changing community needs, supporting strategic plan initiatives for continuous improvement, enhancing family engagement through partnerships and planning for full-service community schools, sharing best practices with professional development and coaching on play-based learning, and strengthening early childhood governance through the Council for Thriving Children. These initiatives aim to create a comprehensive, high-quality early childhood system across the state. Learn more

Photo of a lake with canoe in corner

PDG Resources

New Hampshire's Preschool Development Grant (PDG)  resources include various project reports, workforce and professional development recommendations, and research instruments. These encompass needs assessments, strategic plans, and tools for early childhood education and family support. Additionally, the PDG has funded regional and local activities to enhance early childhood care, including community grants and collaborative initiatives with regional leads. These resources aim to build a coordinated, effective early childhood system across the state.
Learn more

The Preschool Development Grant is sponsored by the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (Award# 90TP0110). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of any organization or agency that provided support for the project.