Advanced Standing Cost Details

Advanced Standing OTD Cost Details

For New Hampshire Residents

Year Semester 
(& Credits)
Tuition Student Fees Books Online Case
Learning Tools
OT Course/Lab
Fees for Required
Loan Fee

Estimated Total
Cost for the Year

1 Summer: 6 $3,300 $185 $134   $75    
1 Fall: 15 $7,085 $1,164 $97 $210 $44 $899 $22,152

Spring: 17

$7,870 $1,164          
2 Summer: 2 $1,100 $158          
2 Fall: 12  $7,085 $1,164          
3 Spring: 12 $7,085 $1,164       $751 $18,507

 Total Estimated Program Costs: $40,658

For Out-of-State Students

Year Semester 
(& Credits)
Tuition Student Fees Books Online Case
Learning Tools
OT Course/Lab
Fees for Required
Loan Fee

Estimated Total
Cost for the Year

1 Summer: 6 $3,630 $185 $134   $75    
1 Fall: 15 $13,905 $1,164 $97 $210 $44 $1,514 $37,322
1 Spring: 17
$15,275 $1,164          
2 Summer: 2 $1,210 $158          
2 Fall: 12  $13,905 $1,164          
3 Spring: 12 $13,905 $1,164       $1,332 $32,838

 Total Estimated Program Costs: $70,160

For New England Compact Students

Year Semester 
(& Credits)
Tuition Student Fees Books Online Case
Learning Tools
OT Course/Lab
Fees for Required
Loan Fee

Estimated Total
Cost for the Year

1 Summer: 6 $3,630 $185 $134        
1 Fall: 15 $10,628 $1,164 $97 $210 $44 $1,216 $29,984
1 Spring: 17
(Jan - June)
$11,513 $1,164          
2 Summer: 2 $1,210 $158          
2 Fall: 12  $10,628 $1,164          
3 Spring: 12 $10,628 $1,164       $1,055 $26,006

 Total Estimated Program Costs: $55,990