Occupational therapy is a field with professional association membership available on the regional, national, and international level. Membership in the occupational therapy associations can provide career networking, professional development, continuing education, and other opportunities for students, faculty, and clinicians alike.
Student Occupational Therapy Association
Located within the College of Health and Human Services, SOTA is organized and managed by students and is open to all occupational therapy students at UNH. The association makes educational, service, and social opportunities available to members.
New Hampshire Occupational Therapy Association
Contains news and events from the state organization representing occupational therapists in New Hampshire.
American Occupational Therapy Association
Up-to-date features on everything from occupational therapy practice and ethics, reimbursement issues, and much more. Contains an area designed for occupational therapy students, with information on scholarships, certification, fieldwork, education, and other topics.
World Federation of Occupational Therapists
Get a global perspective on occupational therapy developments and the concerns of the more than 50 member associations around the world.