Curriculum Design

The OT Professional curriculum incorporates eight main themes or threads: Occupation, Functioning, Disability and Health, Occupational Therapy Process, Systems of Practice, Technology, Professionalism, and Scholarship, and Leadership which are discussed in more detail below.  A thread is a curricular area or topic representing skill or area of knowledge that is developed throughout the curriculum in consideration of pedagogy. The curricular threads are woven throughout the curriculum and, taken together, support the mission and philosophy of the entry-level, professional program. Each thread is addressed by courses progressively and with increasing complexity as students move through the curricular sequence.  The selection of courses, specific course content, and the sequence of the courses that make up our curriculum, have been thoughtfully laid out with consideration of the program’s mission philosophy, curricular threads, and the ACOTE Education standards.

The ordinary and extraordinary things people do in their day-to-day lives that occupy time and fulfill roles, give life meaning, and contribute to survival, wellbeing, and adaptation to their environments.

The dynamic interaction among body structures, body functions, person factors, environmental factors, and social determinates of health that influence performance of and participation in meaningful occupations. 

This is the process by which occupational therapists deliver client-centered occupational therapy services including evaluation, intervention, and outcomes monitoring. The process is guided by sound, professional clinical reasoning, collaboration, and occupation-based practices that enable and promote client engagement in meaningful life occupations in natural context.

Institutions and organizations where occupational therapy is, and can be, practiced to promote the health, wellbeing, and success of individuals, groups, and communities. This also includes the systems and policies that support OT practice in various settings, including natural contexts.  

Technology shapes occupational engagement across the life course and influences the occupationl therapy process. Our curriculum emphasizes the use of mainstream, innovative, and assistive technologies to maximize participation. 

The behavior, personal presentation, and values that reflect professional identity and responsibility that promote respect for all persons. Professionalism encompasses a commitment to life-long learning. 

Scholarship consists of integrating new ideas and evidence with existing knowledge and experience to guide practice decisions and/or engaging in scientific pursuit to generate knowledge.

Leadership is the use of knowledge and skills to be agents of change. Our curriculum provides opportunities to participate in advocacy, policy, and program development that leads to systems change promoting the occupational health of clients and advancing the profession.