Application for Presentation of Research Findings

The Mission of the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI), is advancing world health and celebrating nursing excellence in scholarship, leadership, and service. The Eta Iota Chapter at the University of New Hampshire accomplishes this, in part, through financial support of opportunities and activities for the chapter’s general membership. The Eta Iota Chapter will award up to $500 to qualified applicants. 

Eta Iota Chapter Member Conference Funding Guidelines


A. Active (dues paying) member of Eta Iota Chapter STTI
B. Involvement and/or willingness to be involved in national STTI or local Eta Iota Chapter activities
C. Member cannot have received chapter funding within the previous calendar year


Chapter involvement includes evidence of any of the following activities:

A. Attendance at board meetings, local chapter meetings, chapter-sponsored conferences, 
or national STTI meetings
B. Active involvement on local or national committees
C. Involvement on community projects sponsored by the chapter
D. Presentation of oral/poster presentations at chapter meeting/chapter-sponsored 
conferences not reimbursed by honorarium


A. The purpose of this funding is to support the dissemination of members’ research via poster, podium, or keynote presentations at a Sigma Theta Tau-sponsored event (research 
conferences, workshops, regional meeting, biennial meetings, international meeting, 
etc.) or other research conference.

B. Funding may be requested for:

1. Tuition/registration fee for the conference/program
2. Transportation based on coach rate
3. Other transportation/conference expenses (taxi, shuttles, car mileage, meals, etc.)
4. Lodging costs based on double occupancy rate.
5. Preparation of presentation materials
6. Submit a brief proposal including:
    a. The name, date, and location of the conference
    b. The title and information about your presentation
    c.  Expected costs to attend the conference such as registration, air fare, hotel, etc.

C. The chapter officers shall review and recommend funding awards.

D. Ideally, requests for funding should to be submitted a minimum of 2 months prior to the event. Members should submit their application to the president of the chapter,

F. Retroactive requests for funding will be considered if funds for the fiscal year are still available. Original receipts must be submitted with the request application.

G. The actual amount awarded may be less than the amount requested due to number of applicants and budget limitations.

H. The awarded amount will be distributed when the member completes the "Obligations for Awardees" (Section IV).


To receive approved funds, the awardee will:

A. Complete a "Funding Request Form" with original receipts attached within 45 days after the event. 50% of the awarded amount will be reimbursed to the member within 60 days of submission of the "Funding Request Form."

B. To receive the remaining 50% of the awarded amount, the member is required to share information related to this event with the membership through:

Submission of a report for the Eta Iota Chapter website related to the event. The submission can be a synopsis of the event or a synopsis of the presentation/poster the member presented at this event.


Present the poster at an Eta Iota sponsored meeting or conference.


Make an oral presentation on a topic related to this event at an Eta Iota Chapter-sponsored meeting or conference.

C. A member who has not complied with the aforementioned obligations within 120 days of the funded event will be given written notice and if still not compliant for a total of 180 days will forfeit the remaining 50% of the awarded funds.