Graham Hemphill

My name is Graham Hemphill. I'm a Junior Health Sciences major here at UNH.

Q: What do you like about your major?

A: What I like about my major is that it's highly adaptable, so depending on what graduate career course that you'd like to go to Health Sciences majors are able to adapt to those prerequisites.

Q: What has been your best experience at UNH?

A: One experience that's influenced me a lot at UNH is that I'm an executive member of a organization here on campus called Global Medical Brigades. In January we went to Central Panama and provided free health care to some rural communities and then this January we're going to be going to Athens, Greece, to one of the refugee communities there and helping give them free healthcare in clinics.

Q: What are you most proud of during your time at UNH?

A: Something I'm pretty proud of in my time at UNH is that I've gotten to be a member of the local EMS Agency on campus, so I'm now an advanced EMT with McGregor Memorial EMS and so I operate under the role of crew chief. I help facilitate responders on calls and we run all the 911 calls for UNH Durham, Madbury and Lee. Being able to work alongside a lot of other students, typically students who are pre-med, has been super encouraging for my experience as well as super inspirational. 

Q: What would you say to someone exploring this major at UNH?

A: I would say if you were trying to decide on a specific major that Health Sciences is a great opportunity to be able to succeed in the medical world, in the health world, whatever career path you'd like to choose. Health Science majors are going to adapt to your individual interests and be able to cater to your different career plans. 

Q: What do you love most about UNH?

A: The thing that I love about UNH is that when you get on campus it feels like a big campus. It could feel overwhelming, it could feel exciting, but when you actually meet the students that are inside your class, inside your dorm, inside the dining hall, the clubs that you're a part of it shrinks down to a more comfortable and more inclusive environment. You get that big school energy but you also get that comfortability that the smaller schools offer.