Biomechanics and Motor Control Laboratory

The Biomechanics and Motor Control Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire is used to study neuromuscular responses during exercise, cognitive processing during motor tasks, biomechanics of daily activities, and gait kinematics and kinetics. 

The laboratory occupies 1,000 square feet of space and is fully equipped for studies involving electromyography, isokinetic dynamometry, muscle-tendon mechanical properties, electroencephalography, mechanomyography, ground reaction forces, and three-dimensional biomechanical studies. 

Major equipment includes: 
Student in the Biomechanics and Motor Control Lab
Students in the Biomechanics and Motor Control Lab
  • Qualysis 13-camera video motion tracking system 
  • Innovision portable 3 camera motion tracking system 
  • AMTI three-dimensional in-ground force plate 
  • C-Motion Visual3D biomechanical modeling software 
  • Humac Norm Isokinetic Dynamometer 
  • Biopac MP150 data acquisition system 
  • Biopac Wireless EMG system 
  • activPAL research-grade physical activity trackers