Honors in Major

Honors in Major offers students the opportunity to undertake in-depth, challenging work in their fields of study. The program emphasizes student-led, individualized curricula and encourages the formation of working relationships between students and faculty.

Honors in Major is open to any UNH student with a qualifying GPA. Students in the Hamel Honors and Scholars College must complete Honors in Major in order to graduate with an Honors distinction, but it is not necessary to be a member of the HHSC to pursue Honors in Major.

Most students begin Honors in Major in the Junior year. In general, courses eligible for HIM designation are numbered 600 and above.

Faculty liaison for all areas:
Dr. Scott McNamara
Assistant Professor
New Hampshire Hall 

Requirements application procedures into the Honors in Major program

8 Credits: Each student must successfully complete any 2 Athletic Training core requirements as an honors designated course. Taking KIN 693H- Teaching Assistantship (2Cr.) may also be used up to two times for 4 credits.

4 Credits: Each student must successfully complete KIN696H: Independent Study for 4 credits. This course will prepare the student to complete their thesis.  A thesis is a significant research project that enables the student to demonstrate, synthesize or elaborate on their developing expertise in their field of study. Each student will complete this under the supervision and guidance of an Athletic Training faculty member.  During or after completion of this course, the student may submit a proposal for either a SURF or UROP award to support their research for the Honors Project/Thesis.

4 Credits: Each student must successfully complete KIN699H: Honor’s Project (honors thesis equivalent).  During this course, students will complete their thesis. The latest this course should be taken is senior year, fall semester in order to allow sufficient time to collect data and write thesis. 

Each student must present their research at a local, regional, national, or UNH community conference or symposium.

Each student then will have completed the Honors in Major requirements for Kinesiology: Athletic Training.

8 Credits: Each student must successfully complete 2 of the following courses:

  • EXSC 620H: Physiology of Exercise (4 cr.)
  • EXSC 720H: Science and Practice of Strength Training (4 cr.)
  • EXSC 724H: Metabolic Adaptations to Exercise (4 cr.)
  • EXSC 794H: Cardiopulmonary Pathologies (4 cr.)

4 Credits: Each student must successfully complete KIN 696H: Independent Study for 4 credits. This course will prepare the student to complete his/her thesis. A thesis is a significant research project that enables students to demonstrate, synthesize or elaborate on their developing expertise in their field of study. Each student will complete this under the supervision and guidance of an Exercise Science faculty member. Students are encouraged to complete this course during their junior year,
fall semester. During or after completion of this course, students submit a proposal for either a SURF or UROP award to support their research for the Honors Project/Thesis.

4 Credits: Each student must successfully complete KIN 699H: Honor's Project (honors thesis equivalent). During this course, students will complete their thesis. The latest this course should be taken is senior year, fall semester in order to allow sufficient time to collect data and write the thesis.

Students must present their research at a local, regional, national, or UNH community conference or symposium.

Each student then will have completed the Honors in Major requirements for Exercise Science.

12 Credits: Each student must successfully complete the following courses:

  • HPE 655H: Middle School & Secondary Physical Education
  • HPE 781H: Inclusion in Physical Education
  • KIN 696H: Independent Study

4 Credits: Each student must successfully complete KIN 699H: Honors Project (honors thesis equivalent). During this course, students will complete their thesis. A thesis is a significant research project that enables the student to demonstrate, synthesize or elaborate on their developing expertise in their field of study. Students should meet with their Pedagogy faculty advisor to discuss the research project by the fourth week of their fall semester, senior year. Development of the research question(s), with subsequent review of relevant literature and exploration of appropriate methods will generally be completed by December, and the study will be completed by the end of the spring semester. A final written presentation as well as an oral defense of the research project is expected for successful completion of the course.

Each student then will have completed the Honors in Major requirements for Health and Physical Education.

8 Credits: combination of 8 credits of HS curriculum required courses designated as honors; possible courses include but are not limited to:

  • HS 605 (2 cr) – Exploration of Allied Health Professions
  • HS 656 (4 cr) – Musculoskeletal Pathologies for Health Professions
  • HS 717 (4 cr) – Cultural Considerations in Healthcare
  • Can take KIN 693H – Teaching Assistantship (2 cr) up to 2 times for 4 credits

4 Credits: Each student must successfully complete KIN696H: Independent Study for 4 credits. This course will prepare the student to complete their thesis.  A thesis is a significant research project that enables the student to demonstrate, synthesize or elaborate on their developing expertise in their field of study. Each student will complete this under the supervision and guidance of a Kinesiology Department faculty member.  During or after completion of this course, the student may submit a proposal for either a SURF or UROP award to support their research for the Honors Project/Thesis.

4 Credits: Each student must successfully complete KIN699H: Honor’s Project (honors thesis equivalent).  During this course, students will complete their thesis. The latest this course should be taken is senior year, fall semester to allow sufficient time to collect data and write thesis. 

Each student must present their research at a local, regional, national, or UNH community conference or symposium.

Each student then will have completed the Honors in Major requirements for Kinesiology: Health Sciences.

12 Credits: Each student must successfully complete 3 of the following courses:

  • SML 740H Athletic Administration (4 cr.)
  • SML 741H Social Issues in Contemporary Sport (4 cr.)
  • SML 743H Sport Marketing (4 cr.)
  • SML 780H Psychological Factors in Sport (4 cr.)

4 Credits: Each student must successfully complete KIN 699H: Honors Project (honors thesis equivalent).  During this course, students will complete their thesis project. A thesis project is a significant research project that enables the student to demonstrate, synthesize or elaborate on their developing expertise in their field of study.  Students should meet with their Sport Studies faculty advisor during their junior spring to discuss the research project. Development of the research question(s), with subsequent review of relevant literature and exploration of appropriate methods will generally be completed by December of their senior year, and the study will be completed by the end of the spring semester of their senior year. A final written presentation as well as an oral presentation of the research project is expected for successful completion of the course.

Each student then will have completed the Honors in Major requirements for Sport Management & Leadership.