Q: Why UNH?

A: I always knew that I was made for a helping profession, I just didn't kind of know where that was going to take me. I jumped into my college search and right away UNH stuck out to me for a number of reasons. They had amazing academics for social work, I loved the campus. It was beautiful, great location, close enough to Boston, close enough to the beach, to farmland, kind of a little bit of everything for a New Englander like me. I haven't looked back from my decisions since it's brought me some of the closest friends and the greatest memories. 

Q: Why Social Work?

A: I am so thankful to do the work that I do knowing that I can make a difference in at least one person's life. I think if people knew the amount of avenues that you could take with a social work degree so many more people would be invested in this type of career.

Q: Where did you do your senior internship?

A: My senior field work placement is at the Manchester Police Department and I've been here since September of the beginning of my senior year and I've loved every second of it. 
So my job is to specialize in protecting the mental health and wellness of our first responders and every second here has been rewarding not only because of the connections I've made but I have never felt more prepared. I'm using everything I've learned in the past three-and-a-half years until right now to its fullest. 

Advice for people considering a social work degree?

Just try it, try a class, have a conversation with a social work professor, a social worker in your life. You never know what kind of perspective they could offer you and I think that no matter what your niches are, your interests, your hobbies, there is always a way that social work can be interconnected in those things and you might not even know it. 

Q: How would you sum up your time at UNH?

A: Going to UNH was probably one of the best decisions I've made in my professional career. I think that the opportunities it can give you are just so expansive and they're never ending and you will be guaranteed to find your fit in one way shape or form because, while the school is larger than life, I've come to learn that it's like one big small-knit community and everybody's a family, everybody's looking out for one another so I would definitely say, no matter your interests, no matter how you feel about transitions new places whatever it may be, give it a try, give it a chance because you are guaranteed to find something that you love about it.
