
Mission Statement

The mission of the Department of Social Work is to educate baccalaureate and masters students for effective professional social work practice that is responsive to the social welfare and social service needs of the people of New Hampshire, the New England region, and beyond. Consistent with the overall purposes of the profession, the Department educates social work professionals to work effectively with diverse individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities to optimize human potential for productive participation in society. 

About UNH Social Work

The Department of Social Work's undergraduate and graduate program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) and must meet rigorous academic standards to retain this accreditation. Social work majors pursue a program that encompasses the professional social work competencies of professional identity, critical thinking, knowledge of diversity and human rights, social, environmental and economic justice, social welfare policy and services, social work practice with all client system sizes, human behavior in the social environment, research, and ethics.