The HDFS Department is dedicated to generating knowledge through basic and applied research. The ultimate goal of this work is to promote and improve individual (child, adolescent, adult) and family well-being within the community. As an interdisciplinary field, HDFS faculty members have a broad range of research interests including:

Infant and Child Development
- Social and emotional development and conflict resolution
- Cognitive development and learning
- Attachment and parental sensitivity
- Early childhood education and early interventions
Adolescent and Emerging Adulthood

- Human sexuality
- Development of identity and future perspective
- Positive youth development and prevention
- Out of school activities
Interpersonal relations across the lifespan
- Couple relationships
- Family therapy
- Parent-child relationships
- Sibling relationships
Across these areas of research, faculty study a variety of contextual factors (e.g., marital conflict/divorce, incarceration, poverty, work stress) impacting individuals and families in order to inform prevention and intervention efforts used in professional work with these populations.
To learn more about faculty research interests, ongoing projects, and ways you might become involved, please see our individual faculty webpages.