We were delighted to have the chance to chat with Assistant Professor in Recreation Management and Policy, Lauren Ferguson.  She graciously shared a bit about her role at UNH and beyond.

Q: Can you tell us about your research?

A: My research examines the connection between outdoor recreation, human health, and natural environments through ecosystem services and sustainable protected area conservation and management. Ecosystem services can be defined as the benefits natural ecosystems provide to humans. I study how different components of ecosystems, such as soundscapes influence human health and the best practices for managing parks and protected areas so that outdoor recreationists and the broader community can obtain various ecosystem services. Outcomes from my research have implications for protected area managers, health practitioners, and conservation policy. My research informs sustainable management practices that accomplish the dual mission of providing individuals with access to healthy outdoor recreation opportunities while also conserving healthy ecosystems.

Q: What are you most passionate about? 

Lauren F

A: I’m most passionate about sharing the value of outdoor recreation and conservation with others. I’m especially passionate about natural sounds and how they benefit both humans and wildlife.

Q: What's your biggest fear in life? 

A: Before having a family it was failure, but now I know that life’s most important lessons come from failure. Currently, it’s the thought of something bad happening to my family.

Q: What are you most proud of? 

A: I’m most proud of being exactly where I am right now. When I took this position, I had been a lecturer at UNH for 4 years and was about to have my second baby. I wasn’t totally confident that I could juggle it all. I just finished my first year and I’m proud of my contributions to teaching and research…and raising two tiny humans.


Q: What does the most fun weekend look like to you?

A: Getting in the car with my family (possibly with our pop-up camper), traveling somewhere new, and playing outside – hiking, biking, or skiing. Bonus if I don’t have to cook dinner!

Q: How would you describe yourself in three words?

A: Adventurous, kind, fun!

Q: How do you maintain balance in life? 

A: I try to step away from work and focus on my family in the evenings and on the weekends. I also practice what I research and preach – spending time outdoors is good for our mental and physical health. So, I try to get outside with my family and unplug.

Q: Any special talents you'd like to share? 

A: I swam competitively most of my life and into college, so I have a mean butterfly.