*Please note: Admissions for Fall 2025 and Spring 2026 to the RMP MS Graduate Program at UNH are paused as we revamp the program. We look forward to welcoming new students into an enhanced program in Fall 2026.
RMP Assistantship Overview
A limited number of highly competitive full-time and half-time Graduate Assistantship positions are also available for qualified students. Full-time Graduate Assistantship positions include a tuition/fee waiver, an annual graduate stipend valued at approximately $21,000, other additional benefits, and require 20 hours of work per week throughout the academic year as either a research or teaching assistant. Half-time Graduate Assistantship positions include a half tuition/fee waiver, an annual graduate stipend valued at approximately $10,000, other additional benefits, and require 10 hours of work per week throughout the academic year as either a research or teaching assistant. The Graduate Assistant position starts in August. Visit the UNH Graduate School website for tuition/fee details.
RMP Assistantships- The two types
1. Teaching Assistantship: Teaching Assistants are hired to assist faculty in teaching undergraduate courses. Responsibilities may include, but are not limited to: classroom management and pedagogy, presentation of selected lectures, group discussion leadership, class organization and management tasks, and identification/organization of class resources. Teaching Assistants are mentored by faculty and receive constructive evaluative feedback concerning their pedagogy and teaching skills. Courses in which Teaching Assistants most frequently assist are: Recreation and Leisure in Society (RMP 490), Issues of Wilderness and Nature in American Society (RMP 511), History of Outdoor Pursuits in North America (RMP 515), and Recreation Services Program Design (RMP 557).
2. Research Assistantship: Research Assistants are hired to assist faculty in research projects related to the faculty member’s area of expertise and research agenda. Responsibilities may include, but are not limited to: reviewing the literature, identify knowledge gaps, developing original research questions and survey instrumentation, data collection, data analyses and statistics, technical writing, peer-reviewed scientific writing, and refereed research presentations. Research Assistants are mentored by faculty and receive constructive evaluative feedback concerning their technical and research skills. Graduate student travel support to present research at professional conferences is also available through the Department and the UNH Graduate School.