Honors in Major


Students who wish to earn honors in the Recreation Management and Policy: Outdoor Leadership and Management option are required to:

  • Maintain an overall 3.2 GPA for duration of Honors in Major program
  • Maintain a 3.2 GPA in their major courses (i.e. all required OLM/RMP courses)
  • Present research at an advisor approved venue
  • Successfully complete 16 credits of RMP  honors courses Including these 12 credits
    • OUT 550H Philosophy and Methods of Outdoor Education (4 cr.)
    • OUT 681H Theory of Adventure Education (4 cr.)
    • OUT 786H Organization and Administration of Outdoor Education (4 cr.)
    • These honors courses will require independent work, readings, and meetings with the course instructor not required of non-honors students enrolled in the course. The student must process an Honors designation form with the course instructor and bring it to the Registrar’s Office.

Description of RMP 700H Senior Honors Project (this is a link on the RMP honors website)

  • Pre-requisite course: RMP 724H
  • See RMP 700H guidelines for further details

Students who wish to earn honors in Recreation Management and Policy: Program and Event Management are required to:

  • Meet with their PEM professional mentor for more information and permission
  • Maintain an overall 3.2 GPA for duration of Honors in Major program
  • Maintain a 3.2 GPA in their major courses (i.e. all required RMP courses)
  • Required presentation of research at an advisor approved venue
  • Successfully complete 16 credits of Recreation Management and Policy honors courses. These honors courses will require independent work, readings, and meetings with the course instructor not required of non-honors students enrolled in the course. The student must process an Honors designation form with the course instructor and bring it to the Registrar’s Office.

Required Honors Courses for Program and Event Management Option (16 credits)

  • The honors courses students are required to take for honors in Program and Event Management include:
  • Core
    • RMP 724H Grantsmanship, Evaluation, and Research
    • RMP 700H Senior Honors Project
  • Need Two Honors Electives as approved by Honors Advisors
    • RMP 511H
    • RMP 557H
    • RMP 559H
    • RMP 560H
    • RMP 661H
    • RMP 663H Recreation and Event Management
    • RMP 668H
    • RMP 680H
    • RMP 772H Law and Public Policy in Leisure Services
    • RMP 775H

Description of RMP 700H Senior Honors Project

  • Pre-requisite course:RMP 724H
  • See RMP 700H guidelines for further details

Under the direction of an Honors faculty mentor in RMP, the student will complete either a supervised research or applied field study project that creates a capstone to their Honors in Major program. Applied field study/projects should address a specific need or problem of a local agency or organization. Students will submit a written project proposal to the Honors faculty mentor for approval prior to collecting data. Once approval is received, student will collect and analyze data, write up the findings, and then publically present the results at the completion of their project (i.e., Undergraduate Research Conference, in a topic relevant course, or another formal meeting). In the final semester of the senior year, the Honors student will submit a written thesis to his/her professional mentor.

Students who are interested in the honors in major requirement should contact their PEM professional mentor for more information.

Students who wish to earn honors in Recreation Management and Policy, Therapeutic Recreation option are required to:

  • Meet with their TR professional mentor for more information and permission
  • Maintain an overall 3.2 GPA for duration of Honors in Major program
  • Maintain a 3.5 GPA in their major courses (i.e. all required RMP courses)
  • Successfully complete 16 credits of Honors in Major courses. Honors coursework requires independent work above and beyond the scope of the traditional course. For example, Honors students may be asked to conduct a topical investigation related to the course, complete additional readings, conduct an in-class presentation, submit a summative paper, or conduct smaller projects that advance the course. Honors students must communicate with each course instructor to determine the scope of Honors expectations, and are expected to communicate on a regular basis with the course instructor throughout the semester. The student must process an Honors designation form with the course instructor and bring it to the Registrar’s Office.

Required honors courses for Therapeutic Recreation option (16 credits):

  • RMP 502H* Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation
  • RMP 705H Management and Policy in Therapeutic Recreation
  • RMP 724H Grantsmanship, Evaluation, and Research (must be taken before RMP 700H)
  • RMP 700H Senior Honors Project (pre-requisite: RMP 724H)

*If students have taken RMP 502 prior to starting the Honors in Major program, RMP 503H or 504H may be substituted upon approval of TR professional advisor and RMP 503 or 504 course instructors. 

Description of RMP 700H Senior Honors Project

  • Pre-requisite course:RMP 724H
  • See RMP 700H guidelines for further details

Under the direction of an Honors faculty mentor in RMP, the student will complete either a supervised research or applied field study project that creates a capstone to their Honors in Major program. Applied field study/projects should address a specific need or problem of a local agency or organization. Students will submit a written project proposal to the Honors faculty mentor for approval prior to collecting data. Once approval is received, student will collect and analyze data, write up the findings, and then publically present the results at the completion of their project (i.e., Undergraduate Research Conference, in a topic relevant course, or another formal meeting). In the final semester of the senior year, the Honors student will submit a written thesis to his/her TR professional mentor.