
The field of nursing has grown exponentially due to changes in health care delivery systems, technology, and medical treatments. Through their research, nurses report from the frontlines of health care, identifying critical areas of need.

Recent departmental research at UNH has examined hospital discharge practices, how to promote nonsmoking among adolescents, and ways of garnering community support for patients with Alzheimer’s Disease. Nursing research is wide-ranging and encompasses the methodologies of both social and medical science research.

Here is a partial listing of departmental research interests:

Women’s Health Issues

  • Breastfeeding
  • Adolescent pregnancy and parenting
  • Postpartum depression in vulnerable populations
  • Decision making as regards use or non-use of hormone replacement therapy
  • Unintended pregnancy prevention & care

Primary Care

  • Infection control

Psychiatric Nursing

  • Psychiatric issues within the LGBT community

Public Health

  • Community health
  • Negative health behaviors e.g., violence
  • Smoking prevention strategies for early elementary school-aged children
  • Health promotion for adolescents for both school- and community-based programs

Medical Ethics

  • Clinical ethics re: critically ill adults; families experiencing higher order multiple birth; and informed consent regarding assisted reproductive technologies

Critical Care Nursing

  • Home care referrals: a vulnerable link in the continuum of care
  • Co-investigator. Decision Analysis of hospital discharge referrals
  • Peri-anesthesia nursing
  • Post-anesthesia nursing

Nursing Care for the Elderly

  • Physician-nurse co-management of elders with heart failure
  • Alzheimer’s disease and caregiving
  • Older adults as care receivers
  • Training family caregivers of the rural elderly
  • Health services delivery in long-term care

Nursing Education

  • Nursing graduate students’ socialization to research
  • Problem-based learning
  • Lateral violence

Program Evaluation

  • Underage and young adult alcohol prevention programs
  • Obesity prevention (physical activity and nutrition) programs
  • Implementation science

Quality Improvement

  • Decreasing work arounds
  • Rapid cycle change
  • Preventing 30-day readmission