Committee on Ethnic, Racial and Gender Equity (CERGE)

Land Acknowledgement

As we all journey on the trail of life, we wish to acknowledge the spiritual and physical connection the Pennacook, Abenaki and Wabanaki Peoples have maintained to N’dakinna (homeland) and the aki (land), nebi (water), olakwika (flora) and awaasak (fauna) that the University of New Hampshire community is honored to steward today. We also acknowledge the hardships they continue to endure after the loss of unceded homelands and champion the university’s responsibility to foster relationships and opportunities that strengthen the well-being of the Indigenous People who carry forward the traditions of their ancestors.


To promote Race/Ethnicity and Gender Equity through advancing changes in departmental culture, ongoing curriculum review, and ongoing training and support of all faculty, staff, and students. 

Anti-Oppressive Practice Lens

The UNH Social Work Department strives to operate from an Anti-Oppressive Lens and promote Anti-Oppressive Practice (AOP) in both the classroom and in internship placements.  Anti-Oppressive Practice (AOP) is one of the central social justice-oriented approaches in social work.  It recognizes the structural origins of oppression and promotes social transformation by utilizing critical theories including feminist, Marxist, postmodernist, indigenous, poststructuralist, anti-colonial, and anti-racist theories, among others (Baines, 2011).

More information can be found here

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