
Transitions in Caregiving

Transitions in Caregiving was a grant project that changed how caregiver services were provided. This was a national, award-winning program that developed and implemented a caregiver support model through the ServiceLink Resource Center Network. This program has now become an integral part of ServiceLink's operations. View the final grant evaluation.

A family served through the NH Family Caregiver Support Program is featured in this short video produced by the Endowment for Heath. The video highlights the challanges of family caregiving as well as what it means to search for a sense of purpose as we age.

Caregiver Connections

Located in four rural counties, the Caregiver Connections project was funded by the Weinberg Foundation. It was designed to expand caregiver support through community asset building and the development of a volunteer network. This project has been folded into the contining efforts of the four ServiceLink Resource Centers involved with the original grant.

Caregiver Guidebook

Planning for the Future: A guidebook to being prepared was created with support from CMS and AoA. This guidebook is intended to be used by caregivers or by individuals who wish to plan and prepare for their future as they age. This packet will serve as a guide to help you and your family become, and stay, organized and informed, keeping much-needed information available for quick, organized access.

Community Living Guide

Under the ADRC grant, CACL and BEAS also developed the Community Living Guide, which is being piloted by organizations throughout New Hampshire. The guide is designed for individuals to communicate important information and preferences about themselves to people who may provide them services in the community. The Community Living Guide can be used by professionals to generate conversations about community services and supports, or by informal caregivers who desire a better understanding of their loved one’s needs and goals. Covered topics include desired living situation and location, important person-specific preferences concerning caregiver qualities, personal care schedules, and the identification of personal and community relationships.