The Center on Aging and Community Living is committed to supporting the development of a responsive and coordinated system of Long Term Supports and Services for all community members as we age. Our vision includes promoting innovative ways to transform the system of long term services and supports so that individuals have greater access to a broad range of community living options.
Alliance for Healthy Aging
CACL has been contracted by the Endowment for Health to serve as the supporting organization for the NH Alliance for Healthy Aging (NH AHA), a collective approach to address aging issues in NH. This statewide coalition is working to:
- Change the conversation about aging in New Hampshire.
- Change practice across public and private sectors to improve care and support for older adults and their families.
- Change public policy for aging in NH by promoting a strong, stable infrastructure for aging across the state.

Environmental Scan: In its role as the supporting organization to the NH Alliance for Healthy Aging, CACL has conducted a research-based environmental scan that encompasses six areas of elder health that were identified, in the early stages of forming the Alliance for Healthy Aging , as important components in creating age-friendly communities. These six domains include: Living Arrangements, Family Caregivers, Social and Civic Engagement, Physical and Mental Well-being, Advocacy, and Fundamental Needs. For each domain, the environmental scan provides: background information and the importance of the domain to elder health; existing programs and resources in New Hampshire; best practices nationally; policy, programmatic, and research implications; and recommendations to transform the current system.
Read Collaborating to Create Elder Friendly Communities in New Hampshire
View the NH Landscape Infographic
Aging and Disability Resource Center (Part A) Project
CACL was contracted by the NH Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services (BEAS) to provide technical assistance on the Administration for Community Living Aging and Disability Resource Center Part A: Enhanced Options Counseling grant. Working in partnership with BEAS and the ServiceLink Resource Center Network to create national certification of Person-Centered Options Counseling, identify required staff skills, and coordinate trainings for staff at the ServiceLink Resource Centers for both certification and ongoing professional development.
Balancing Incentive Program
The NH Division of Community Based Care Services was awarded the Balancing Incentive Program (BIP) by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS). CACL served as the Project Management Entity for the BIP in NH. The purpose of the BIP is to increase access to and use of long-term care services and supports in community settings in order to rebalance the amount of Medicaid funds that are spent between facility-based and community-based long-term services and supports. Success means that more seniors and people with disabilities live in their communities rather than in nursing homes and other institutions. Visit the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) website for more information on programmatic activities. Visit for information on NH's long-term services and supports.
New Hampshire Money Follows the Person
The NH Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services contracted with CACL to provide project management and technical assistance on this statewide program. This program was part of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services', Money Follows the Person (MFP) Rebalancing Demonstration Grant.