Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

NH DHHS wants to know what you think about the services and supports you receive at home. These services may include help with activities such as doing housework, preparing meals, and obtaining special equipment to help you in your home. 

The survey results will help NH DHHS understand: 

  • What is working well with your services  
  • What areas could be improved  
  • If people are receiving the same quality of services regardless of where in NH they live. 

This information will help NH DHHS improve services and supports for everyone.  

  • The goal of NH DHHS is to ensure everyone gets the help they need, no matter who they are or where they live. 

The survey asks questions about your quality of life, such as: 

  • Do you feel that you are healthy and safe? 
  • Do you have any additional needs?  
  • What your transportation needs are  
  • If you have a paying job or do volunteer work 
  • Who you spend time with, your community connections and activities  

The information gathered will assist NH DHHS to: 

  • See how New Hampshire compares to other states in terms of the quality of services and supports. 
  • Better understand which services are being received, where those services are being received, and how those services can be improved based on an individual’s feedback.  
  • Make sure that everyone across NH is receiving the same quality of services.  

If contacted for an interview, people receiving services and support can choose how and when they speak with a UNH Interviewer.  

For the NCI-AD (for older adults and people with physical disabilities), your information can be shared: 

  • On the phone 
  • In a video call 
  • In person 

For the NCI-IDD (for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities) information can be shared: 

  • In a video call 
  • In person 

No, you do not have to participate. Participation is not required but provides NH DHHS with a better sense of individual experiences for people receiving services. The more people who answer, the more we can learn how to improve things for everyone. 

NH DHHS randomly picks individuals who receive services and support to be contacted.   

All names are kept safe and private.  

NH DHHS gives UNH Interviewers a list of participants who qualify to take the survey. The UNH Interviewers randomly select some of those participants to take the survey. The individual names of people who take the survey are never shared with NH DHHS. Your name and personal information are kept private.  

 Interviewers from the University of New Hampshire’s (UNH) Center on Aging and Community Living (CACL) will call. These interviewers: 

  • work at UNH’s CACL  
  • receive specialized training for engaging with people who receive services in their home  

You will receive a phone call, asking for your permission for the UNH interviewer to collect information. The UNH interviewer will explain how your information will be used and will record your response. If you do not consent to share your information, the UNH interviewer will document your choice and end the call.  

The services you receive will not be affected if you choose not to participate.  

The interview takes between 30 minutes to one hour to complete. You can take breaks if needed or stop and re-start the interview at another time.

If you need help to complete the survey, the UNH interviewer will call a family member, caregiver or case manager or other support person to help you complete the survey.  

UNH interviewers will work with you and your designated support person to understand your preferred communication style. NH DHHS wants to ensure everyone who was selected and wants to share their feedback can do so. 

The person receiving services and supports can answer the questions themselves. If the person has communication needs or trouble understanding the questions, someone else can complete a shorter version of the survey on behalf of the person. The person completing the shorter version of the survey is called a “proxy”. 

Examples of a proxy can be: 

  • A guardian 
  • A family member 
  • A friend 

Some of the survey questions can be answered by a proxy, but some questions can only be answered by the person receiving services.  

Yes! NH DHHS will not be able to identify your responses to any questions. The responses you provide will not be shared with anyone responsible for your services or who is paid to help you. Your responses are kept confidential and are combined with other people’s responses. 

You can call the UNH interview team at PHONE NUMBER or you can send an EMAIL (Link)  



This collaborative project is between UNH's Center on Aging and Community Living and New Hampshire's Department of Health and Human Services.