Admission & Tuition

  • children playing outside



child in CSDC classroom


Admissions Tours

We want to make sure that the Child Study and Development Center (CSDC) is the right match for your family and that you have clear understanding and appreciation of our goals, philosophy, and curriculum approach. Because of the large numbers of applications we receive we typically don’t offer pre-admission tours of the center. At the same time, we understand that there may be circumstances that make an early tour desirable – such as when families are moving to the area and have a limited window to visit. 

Once your child has been offered admission to the center (typically in the spring) we require that you attend a center orientation and tour session prior to confirming enrollment except in cases where you have had another child previously attend CSDC or have already taken a tour. Our tours are conducted in small groups at various times to accommodate different schedules and last about 30 minutes. In the meantime we invite you to carefully tour our website, including the specific classroom sites and newsletter to gain insight into our programs. Another excellent source of information is to talk with other families in the community that have attended or are attending CSDC. Please don’t hesitate to email us at if you have any questions.  

What is the Admissions Lottery?

The CSDC lottery is a computer software program developed specifically for our center to create a randomized Waiting List for available spaces in each of our programs. The software randomly and fairly generates a list from all eligible applications submitted by the yearly deadline of March 1st

How do I apply to the CSDC?

Applications can be found on the Child Study and Development Center website. Submit your application along with a $15 application fee (must be a check or money order made payable to “UNH”) to the CSDC in person or by mail (22 O’Kane Road, Durham, NH 03824). Please note: if you are applying for multiple children, you must submit a separate application and application fee for each child. If you’d like to apply for both full-time and part-time programs, you must submit separate applications for each child for each program.

Is there a deadline for applications?

We accept applications year-round, however, all eligible applications received by March 1 of each year are entered in the lottery.

Does each classroom have its own Waiting List?

Yes. The Lottery program automatically sorts children into the appropriate classroom based on the child’s age and creates a waiting list order for each room.

Will I know my child’s “order” on the list?

No. You may think of our wait list as more of a wait “pool”. There are a number of complex factors that determine whether a child is next to be enrolled, therefore we do not provide specific numbers for where a child is on the waiting list.

If my child doesn’t get in, do I need to re-apply?

No. Applications are kept on file year to year until a child is either admitted, ages out of the program, or upon the family’s request to remove an application. Families waiting to get in will receive yearly updates with the lottery results each spring.

Does the Waiting List order stay the same from year to year?

No, all remaining and new applications are re-entered each March to create a new Waiting List for the following year. The lottery software automatically places each child in the appropriate classroom list based on age. This practice gives families new to the area a fairer chance to enroll their child in CSDC.

Are there admission preferences?

Yes. Please see our admissions policy, under admissions preference.

What happens to an Application received after the Lottery Deadline?

These applications are added to the bottom of the Waiting List created by the Lottery.               

What happens if I decline an offer of enrollment?

If a family declines an opening when it is offered, the child may remain on the Waiting List but will be moved to the bottom of that classroom’s wait list until a new lottery is run in March.

Billing Inquiries for Enrolled CSDC Families

Inquiries regarding CSDC tuition adjustments, billing, and receipts for tax purposes should be directed to our email address and will be forwarded to the correct department.