The NH Business Acumen Initiative provided educational opportunities and shared resources from national learning collaboratives to support New Hampshire community-based organizations who serve older adults in collectively advancing their business savvy.
The NH Business Acumen Advisory Group included representatives from NH Coalition for Aging Services, Housing Action NH, Dartmouth Centers for Health and Aging, Monadnock Collaborative, Easterseals, & The Stephen Group. The Advisory Group directed the educational opportunities delivered under this project. Center on Aging and Community Living provided leadership and coordination for the Initiative.
Over the course of the project, the initiative sponsored many workshops leveraging national expertise and resources. Below are links to these workshops and their related resources.
If you are interested in learning more about the NH Business Acumen Initiative, email Laura Davie.
The Payoff of Investing in Social Determinants of Health: A Sustainable Financing Approach That Improves Outcomes

On October 27, 2020 the NH Business Acumen Initiative hosted a conversation about collaborative approaches that highlight how stakeholders can sustain investments in social determinants of health through financial returns. The session started with Dr. Len Nichols, non-resident Fellow of the Health Policy Center of the Urban Institute and Professor Emeritus of Health Policy at George Mason University, presenting on a Collaborative Approach to Public Good Investments (CAPGI). CAPGI is an innovative model that shows how a financing structure can be created to capitalize on social determinants of health. Director of Health at the United Way of Greater Cleveland, Ben Miladin, then went on to describe the on-the ground experience of successful implementation of this model in Cleveland, Ohio.
- Len Nichols, M.A., Ph.D., Collaborative Approach to Public Good Investments (CAPGI): A Sustainable Financing Tool for Communities
- Ben Miladin, B.A., M.S.W., LISW-S, CAPGI Implementation in Cleveland
Supporting Documents
- Social Determinants As Public Health Goods: A New Approach To Financing Key Investments in Healthy Communities
- Collaborative Approach To Public Goods Investments (CAPGI): Lessons Learned From A Feasibility Study
View the webinar recording below
Advancing Healthy Aging across NH Communities: Building Momentum for Better Policies and Practices

On November 6, 2019, the NH Business Acumen Initiative coordinated two breakout sessions at the Advancing Healthy Aging across NH Communities: Building Momentum for Better Policies and Practices conference. In the morning session, Deputy Director of the n4a Aging and Disability Business Institute, Karol Tapias, discussed The Changing Business Landscape of Aging Services. In the afternoon, we were joined by Nancy Frank of North Country Health Consortium, Meghan Brady of NH Coalition of Aging Services, and Brian Collins of Community Partners. Each shared lessons learned in Advancing Cross-Sector Partnerships.
- Karol Tapias, Deputy Director of Aging and Disability Business Institute, discussed: The Changing Business Landscape of Aging Services
Advancing Cross-Sector Partnerships
On September 25, 2019, the New Hampshire Business Acumen Initiative held a one-day workshop for community-based organizations that had participated in previous sessions to increase their business savvy. This was an extraordinary opportunity to receive expert consulting from a nationally recognized firm, Collaborative Consulting, with funding provided by the Endowment for Health. Prior to the workshop, each organization participated in a one hour interview and completed an assessment of their organization’s readiness for contracting. Participants received access to tools created by Collaborative Consulting.
Collaborative Consulting Faculty
- Lori Peterson, MA
- Victor Tabbush, PhD
- Jacob Bielecki, MSc
Supporting Documents
- Agenda
- PowerPoint: slides 1-55, slides 56-120
- Workbook
Taking Credit for Our Work: The CBO role in improving quality measures
On December 7, 2018 the NH Business Acumen Initiative held a half-day seminar to explore how CBOs can leverage the healthcare systems' quality measures and build sustainable payment models. Speakers discussed healthcare quality indicators and the impact of payment sources on quality indicators. In addition, the speakers shared their agency's experience with contracting.
Joan Hatem-Roy from Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley, Inc. (Massachusetts): Embracing a Culture of Accountability: How We Measure Success in Achieving our Mission
- Lisa LaBonte, Director, New Opportunities, Inc (Connecticut): Health Network Partnering
- Nancy Connelly, Director of Strategic Development, Southern Maine Area Agency on Aging: Marketing & Business Development in Support of Monetizing for Sustainability
Supporting Documents
- Connecticut Resources
Seminar: Keeping 'PACE' With the Changing Landscape of LTSS Payment Models
On June 21, 2018 the Business Acumen Initiative continued the dialogue around New Hampshire’s commitment to a high-quality and effective system of Long Term Services and Supports. The seminar focused on funding options, including PACE (Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly), which has recently emerged as a potential model for New Hampshire.
- Liz Parry, National PACE Association: PACE 101
- Laura Wagner, Neighborhood PACE: PACE in New Hampshire
- Jo Porter, IHPP: Overview of Funding for Long Term Services and Supports
- Nancy Rollins, Easterseals: Long Term Supports Services for Seniors Living in the Community
- Lucy Hodder, IHPP/UNH School of Law: NH Medicaid and Payment Reform
Supporting Documents
- The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured: Medicaid and Long-Term Services and Supports: A Primer
- NH Medicaid Long Term Care Quick Facts
Trailblazers Learning Collaborative
A national effort hosted by the Aging and Disability Business Institute with the goal of prototyping and collectively working toward solutions addressing next generation obstacles and challenges of community-based organization who have contracts with integrated healthcare entities. Center on Aging and Community Living participates on this collaborative.
NH Business Acumen Synergies and Opportunities Group
The Business Acumen Initiative, in partnership with the Bureau of Development Disabilities, Division of Long Term Supports and Services, offered an open forum three times per year to share past and current national business acumen learning collaborative efforts.
National Resources
Aging and Disability Business Institute Assessment Tools
Building a CBO Network for Health Care Contracting: Choosing the Right Model
Aging and Disability Business Institute website
HCBS Business Acumen Center website
A Roadmap to Financial and Programmatic Sustainability for Community-Based Organizations
Funding for the NH Business Acumen Initiative provided by Endowment for Health