Joanna Gyory

Joanna Gyory

Phone: (603) 862-1570
Office: Health Management & Policy, Hewitt Hall Room 329, Durham, NH 03824

Courses Taught

  • DATA 897: Self-Designed Analytics Lab II
  • HDS 800: Math and Statistics for HDS
  • HDS 802: Programming in Healthcare
  • HDS 803: Translation of Health Data
  • HDS 807: Unstructured Health Data
  • HDS 811: Health Data Science Practice
  • HDS 890: HDS Independent Study
  • HDS/HMP 803/703: Translation of Health Data
  • HHS 540: Stats for Health Professionals
  • HMP 702: Programming in Healthcare
  • HMP 703: Translation of Health Data
  • HMP 796: Independent Study
  • PHP 903: Biostatistics


  • Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • M.S., University of New Hampshire
  • M.S., State University of New York
  • B.A., Cornell University

Selected Publications

  • Giltz, S. M., Grey, E. K., Gyory, J., Ko, D. S., Nero, R. W., & Taylor, C. M. (2020). Estimating blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) larval release sites in the Gulf of Mexico using an oceanographic particle-tracking model. BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE, 96(4), 563-575. doi:10.5343/bms.2018.0075

  • Smith, T. B., Mate, J. L., & Gyory, J. (2017). Thermal Refuges and Refugia for Stony Corals in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. In CORAL REEFS OF THE EASTERN TROPICAL PACIFIC: PERSISTENCE AND LOSS IN A DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENT (Vol. 8, pp. 501-515). doi:10.1007/978-94-017-7499-4_17

  • Smith, T. B., Gyory, J., Brandt, M. E., Miller, W. J., Jossart, J., & Nemeth, R. S. (2016). Caribbean mesophotic coral ecosystems are unlikely climate change refugia. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 22(8), 2756-2765. doi:10.1111/gcb.13175

  • Brandtneris, V. W., Brandt, M. E., Glynn, P. W., Gyory, J., & Smith, T. B. (2016). Seasonal Variability in Calorimetric Energy Content of Two Caribbean Mesophotic Corals. PLOS ONE, 11(4). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151953

  • Holstein, D. M., Smith, T. B., Gyory, J., & Paris, C. B. (2015). Fertile fathoms: Deep reproductive refugia for threatened shallow corals. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 5. doi:10.1038/srep12407

  • Jones, B. T., Gyory, J., Grey, E. K., Bartlein, M., Ko, D. S., Nero, R. W., & Taylor, C. M. (2015). Transport of blue crab larvae in the northern Gulf of Mexico during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES, 527, 143-156. doi:10.3354/meps11238

  • Smith, T. B., Glynn, P. W., Mate, J. L., Toth, L. T., & Gyory, J. (2014). A depth refugium from catastrophic coral bleaching prevents regional extinction. ECOLOGY, 95(6), 1663-1673. doi:10.1890/13-0468.1

  • Gyory, J., Pineda, J., & Solow, A. (2013). Turbidity triggers larval release by the intertidal barnacle Semibalanus balanoides. MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES, 476, 141-+. doi:10.3354/meps10186

  • Gyory, J., & Pineda, J. (2011). High-frequency observations of early-stage larval abundance: do storms trigger synchronous larval release in Semibalanus balanoides?. MARINE BIOLOGY, 158(7), 1581-1589. doi:10.1007/s00227-011-1671-1

  • Starczak, V., Perez-Brunius, P., Levine, H. E., Gyory, J., & Pineda, J. (2011). THE ROLE OF SEASON AND SALINITY IN INFLUENCING BARNACLE DISTRIBUTIONS IN TWO ADJACENT COASTAL MANGROVE LAGOONS. BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE, 87(3), 275-299. doi:10.5343/bms.2010.1022

  • Most Cited Publications