Forms and Petitions

The Office of the Registrar also has a complete list of forms should you need something not found here.  

Please submit all forms to unless otherwise indicated.

Petition and form descriptions

This form should be used for:

  • Dropping a course after the drop deadline
  • Withdrawing from a course after the deadline
  • Adding a course after the deadline
  • Variance needs regarding to degreeworks

This is not an exhaustive list of uses

This form should be used for confirming a course will transfer into UNH from another institution and meet the indicated requirements. This form should be completed before registering for the course to ensure equilivency. If credit is meant to replace a major requirement, the student's advisor must confirm which UNH Major course the TCR will satisfy. 

A variance in major specific requirements such as:

  • Transfer credit satisfying major requirement
  • Approving major requirement substitutions

An undergraduate student working toward a bachelor’s degree may elect to use the pass/fail grading alternative for a maximum of 4 credits per semester, not to exceed 16 credits during the student’s matriculation. Students in their first term at the University have the option to change up to 4 credits from graded to pass/fail at any point prior to the Friday of the 10th week of the semester and must obtain the approval of their advisor.

All other students have the option to change up to 4 credits from graded to pass/fail prior to the end of the add period (the second Friday of classes) and must obtain the approval of their advisor.

The pass/fail grading alternative may not be used for the following types of courses:

  1. Core Curriculum requirements (Discovery Program or General Education Program Courses)
  2. Writing Intensive requirements
  3. Major and minor requirements
  4. To repeat a course previously taken
  5. Foreign language requirement

The minimum passing grade requirement for a course taken pass/fail is D- (0.67). The course grade of a pass/fail course will not be calculated into the grade-point average of the student, but the pass or fail will be recorded on the student’s transcript. In the event of a pass, the student will receive the course credits (credit hours) toward degree requirements. The undergraduate student may elect the pass/fail grading alternative without permission or knowledge of the faculty member (course instructor). Upon request, the Registrar shall inform the instructor of any course of the percentage of students enrolled as pass/fail.

A cognate is a coherent set of courses in a discipline or interdisciplinery grouping aimed at enhancing career-oriented skills in high demand in the employment market. A cognate will typically consist of 12 or more credits with a C- or better and a 2.00 GPA in courses in the cognate. The student is to complete this form at the beginning of their final semester at the University. The cognate will appear on the student's academic record when all necessary courses have been successfully completed.