2021-2022 Sidore Lecture Series
The 2021–2022 Saul O Sidore Memorial Lecture Series, “Aging in America: Justice for All?”, explores changing demographics in the US and how long-standing age-related biases in our society affect our health and well-being with the aim to broaden our understanding and awareness of agism as it intersects with racism, gender, sexuality, and class. It also celebrates the diversity of older adults and how attention to aging and disability can innovate and improve how we design, inhabit, and grow more sustainable communities. Speakers in the series aim to stimulate conversations among the UNH and broader communities about the roles we each play in creating the environment we want to age in—now and in the future. In this vein, our sessions include both keynote speakers and community-based panel sessions with area older adults, governmental and private service providers, and others. The resulting conversations will endeavor to empower individuals, UNH, and the greater community, to capitalize on the positive aspects of aging and build person-centered systems and communities that support all of us as we age.
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