Q: What motivates you?
A: What motivates me the most is my passion for what I love. I really want to work with kids in the future. I would say and when I can help others I am the most motivated to continue to learn and continue to grow.
Q: Why did you choose your major?
A: I'm on a very specific track to a very specific program and UNH just happened to have every step of the way that I needed to get to that specific program. I didn't learn about this program until I came to an open house here at UNH. Once I learned about the track I immediately fell in love and now I'm working very hard to get to where I want to be.
Q: How has UNH been preparing you for the future?
A: UNH has been preparing me for that goal that I have by introducing me to different professors, giving me amazing programs, constantly sending me internships that I can apply to and just giving me as much experience as I can before I get into the real workforce.
Q: What advice would you give to incoming students?
A: Any advice that I would give to incoming freshmen who want to come into my program is to take it slow, don't stress about it, relax, it'll be okay. You have so many resources here on campus that are able to help you and many students who have gone through the same thing who would also love to help you.
Q: Why do you love UNH?
A: I love UNH for so many reasons but if I had to choose one reason why I love it, it would have to be the people here and the community that I have been introduced to while being here on campus. I've made amazing friends and I've got great connections with my professors my advisors and so many other people here because of UNH.