The Center for RENEW Implementation has received a grant from the NH Charitable Foundation to provide the RENEW (Resilience, Empowerment, and Natural Supports for Education and Work) model in New Hampshire to youth and young adults involved in the juvenile justice system or who are in residential treatment. RENEW is a research-based individualized planning and care coordination process for transition-age youth and young adults ages 15-25. Developed in 1996 by IOD staff, RENEW has been shown to improve high school completion, employment, and post-secondary education participation rates among our most vulnerable youth. RENEW is consistent with the 10-year mental health plan and the system of care as it provides developmentally appropriate supports during the significant transition between adolescence and adulthood. (Visit the RENEW website for more information).

“We are honored to receive this award from the NH Charitable Foundation as it will build the capacity of juvenile justice, Wraparound, and residential providers to deliver the RENEW intervention to some of our most vulnerable youth. RENEW (Resilience, Empowerment, and Natural Supports for Education and Work) will help these youth build their plan to pursue their dreams, connect them to people in their communities they can rely on to help, and live their best lives as they become adults.” says Kathy Francoeur, Project Director at the IOD.

This project is made possible by gifts from the Oliver J. and Dorothy Penniman Hubbard New Futures Fund and the Philbrook Children's Fund.