Applications to the University of New Hampshire are processed through the Undergraduate Office. Students will apply directly to UNH through the university website and the admissions team will determine undergraduate acceptance into the university.
We have three pathways for the OTA-BS program. Criteria for admission will be individualized for each of these pathways as follows:
Traditional 4-Year Pathway:
Students enter the OTA program for a traditional 4-year pathway. Students must apply to UNH and the OTA program simultaneously.
To be admitted, students must:
1. Meet university requirements as outlined by admissions website.
2. Meet OTA major requirements -
a) Have maintained at least 3.0+ GPA in high school.
Internal Transfer Student:
Students transfer into the OTA program as an internal transfer no later than the end of their sophomore year. Students must apply and be granted admission by the OTA program director.
To be admitted, students must:
1. Complete application process.
a) Submit an intent to apply notification.
b) Complete an application form and admissions essay.
c) Provide (2) letters of reference (must use OTA letter of recommendation form)
2. Meet OTA major requirements.
a) Have maintained a 2.75+ GPA as documented by UNH transcript.
b) Have completed all pre-requisites or have identified plan to complete.
External Transfer Student:
Students transfer into the OTA program from an outside institution as an external transfer. Students must apply to UNH and the OTA program simultaneously.
To be admitted, student must:
1. Meet minimum university requirements as outlined by admissions website.
2. Meet OTA major requirements.
a) Have maintained a 2.75+ GPA as documented by previous college transcripts.
b) Have completed all pre-requisites or have identified plan to complete.
TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENT – The OTA-BS Program requires students to have access to a computer or tablet with internet. This enables their access to the UNH Learning Management System (Canvas) and Zoom for synchronized coursework. UNH offers significant resources and technical infrastructure to support student success. Of note, the fourth year of the OTA-BS program is completed entirely in an online format.