Bethany S. Leahy, Dining Shift Supervisor, Child Study and Development Center

Bethany Leahy

Early Childhood Teacher
Phone: (603) 862-2835
Office: Family Studies, Child Study & Development Center, Durham, NH 03824

Bethany has been teaching in the Early Childhood field for over 20 years, in a variety of settings. She graduated from Boston University with a BS degree in Early Childhood Education, and her professional experience began in the lab school in the School of Education at BU. Bethany has been teaching in the Multi-Age Preschool Program (formerly Nursery) at CSDC since August, 2017.  Her time in lab school settings has greatly influenced her understanding that observation and collaboration are essential learning and teaching tools.  Additionally, she is passionate about fostering an emergent curriculum both in and out of the classroom. Observations of each child allow her to delve deeper into areas in which children are interested, and to provide them with the materials, literature, and experiences that will support their engagement, learning and skills. Bethany is committed to meeting each child where they are developmentally, and to partner with parents and colleagues to best meet children’s needs in support of their holistic development.