Jessica Cilley

Jessica Cilley

Phone: (603) 862-2835
Office: Child Study & Development Center, Durham, NH 03824

Jessica has always had a love of working and being around children, but it wasn’t until she started attending early childhood education classes and working as a teaching assistant in college, that she decided she wanted to work with children in her future career. Jessica has worked with children through multiple different avenues, whether that be through home-based childcare, working at non-profit and resource centers, or working and teaching here at the CSDC.

Jessica graduated from the University of New Hampshire in 2019 earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Development & Family Studies with a concentration in Lifespan Development. During her time at UNH, she began working at the CSDC as a teaching assistant in the Preschool 1 and Preschool 2 classrooms, while occasionally working in the infant, toddler, and MAP classrooms. Jessica continued working as a teaching assistant until 2019, when after graduating, was offered a temporary teaching position as a core teacher in the Toddler and Preschool 1 classrooms. In August of 2021, she was offered a full-time teaching position here at the CSDC and has since been working in the Preschool 1 classroom.