Marcy Doyle
Marcy Doyle, DNP, MHS, MS, RN, CNL is the Clinical and Quality Improvement Director and Adjunct Nursing Professor at the Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP), New Hampshire Citizens Health Initiative (NHCHI), University of New Hampshire. Dr. Doyle’s area of focus is delivery system design with an emphasis on underserved populations. Her history as Chief Operations Officer at a Federally Qualified Health Center, quality improvement consultant and educator have enabled her to work on statewide projects to test innovative practice-based solutions that have resulted in demonstrated quality improvement and engagement. As Principal Investigator of the Advanced Nursing Education Workforce grant she is committed to advancing the knowledge of practice improvement activities by bridging the gap between traditional graduate education, research and quality improvement specifically focused on the high priority areas of behavioral health, substance use disorder, telepractice and value-based reimbursement. Dr. Doyle is also the staff lead and concept originator of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Provider Clinical Support System (PCSS) grant which funds the University of New Hampshire’s Partnership for Academic-Clinical Telepractice (PACT): Mediation for Assistance Treatment Extension for Community Care Outcomes (ECHO).
Courses Taught
- NURS 794: Spc Top/Health Polic&Nurs Prac
- NURS 801: Hlth Policy/Nurs Prac
- NURS 822: Chron Disease Mgmt
Selected Publications
Arthanat, S., Rossignol, H., Preble, E., Grimm, K., Corvini, M., Wilcox, J., . . . Doyle, M. (2024). Perspectives on a telepresence robot at an independent living facility: lessons learned and implications. Journal of Enabling Technologies, 18(1), 1-12. doi:10.1108/jet-05-2023-0014
Doyle, M., West, K., Plante, E., Weider, S., Umana, M., Ryer, J., & Harkless, G. (2023). Investing in Primary Care: Advancing Nursing Education Workforce. University of New Hampshire. Retrieved from https://scholars.unh.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1164&context=ihpp
Doyle, M., Watts, D., Umana, M., Thomas, J., & Ryer, J. (2023). Lessons learned from a multiagency community mental health centre quality improvement learning collaborative in New Hampshire. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 29(9), 234-247. doi:10.12968/bjhc.2023.0043
Aytur, S., Doyle, M., Roy, G., Ray, K., Meier, S., & Robin, D. (2022). Linking fMRI, Pain and Addictions.. In Handbook of Substance Misuse and Addictions From Biology to Public Health. Springer Nature.
Owen, R. R., Woodward, E. N., Drummond, K. L., Deen, T. L., Oliver, K. A., Petersen, N. J., . . . Kirchner, J. E. (2019). Using implementation facilitation to implement primary care mental health integration via clinical video telehealth in rural clinics: protocol for a hybrid type 2 cluster randomized stepped-wedge design. Implementation Science, 14(1). doi:10.1186/s13012-019-0875-5
Bombard, E., Chapman, K., Doyle, M., Wright, D. K., Shippee-Rice, R. V., & Kasik, D. R. (2010). Answering the Question, “What Is a Clinical Nurse Leader?”. Journal of Professional Nursing, 26(6), 332-340. doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2010.04.001
Sharp, D., & Doyle, M. (2024, April 3). Curriculum Changes to Impact the Workforce Response to the Public Health Opioid Crisis. In D. Sharp (Ed.), Northern New England Nurse Practitioner Conference. Carrol, NH.
Ryer, J., West, K., Plante, E., James, R., Miller, P., Thies, K., . . . Porter, J. (n.d.). Planning and Project ECHO in NH: The New Hampshire Project ECHO planning for implementation and business sustainablity project summary report.. Durham, New Hampshire. Retrieved from https://scholars.unh.edu/ihpp/49/
Sharp, D., & Doyle, M. (2022, April 8). Increasing Healthcare Access in Rural New Hampshire Through Academic Partnerships, Preceptor Development, Diversity and Rural Nurse Educator Support. In 48th Annual National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty Conference, Driving Change in NP Education and the DNP. Minneapolis, MN.