Patricia Craig
I am an Associate Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator in the Department of Recreation Management and Policy.
I am a nationally certified and New Hampshire licensed recreation therapist (CTRS/L). Prior to my faculty appointment at University of New Hampshire (UNH), I was an RT clinician in a variety of settings, including a physical medicine and rehabilitation hospital, a specialty rehabilitation hospital in spinal cord injury (SCI) and traumatic brain injury (TBI), and community-based healthcare settings that provide RT, health promotion, adapted sports, and life skills development for a variety of disability populations.
Extensive clinical training in Recreation Therapy (RT), adaptive sports, and recreation provide the foundation for my research, which broadly focuses on: 1) the impact of RT interventions on health and wellness outcomes for individuals with disabilities; and 2) ways in which service-learning and fieldwork pedagogy influence academic learning and cognitive growth among students in allied health professional preparation programs.
I teach courses and advise students within the undergraduate and graduate curricula.
Courses Taught
- RMP 444A: Taking Dis out of Disability
- RMP 503: Therap Rec Rehab Princpl & Int
- RMP 764: Internship
- RMP 963: Graduate Field Practicum
- RMP 970: Teaching Practicum
- RMP 980: Independent Study
- RMP 992: Research Methods in RMP
Research Interests
- Disabled Veterans
- Health Promotion
- Pedagogy
- Recreation and Leisure Studies
- Social Inclusion
- Social/Recreation Services for People With Disabilities
- Therapeutic Recreation
Selected Publications
Hawkins, B. L., Craig, P. J., & Anderson, L. S. (2018). Examining the Educational Requirements for Entry-Level RT/TR Practice The Process and Recommendations of the ATRA Higher Education Task Force. THERAPEUTIC RECREATION JOURNAL, 52(4), 410-418. doi:10.18666/TRJ-2018-V52-I4-9164
Aytur, S., Craig, P. J., Frye, M., Bonica, M., Rainer, S., Hapke, L., & McGilvray, M. (2018). Through the Lens of a Camera Exploring the Meaning of Competitive Sport Participation Among Youth Athletes with Disabilities. THERAPEUTIC RECREATION JOURNAL, 52(2), 95-125. doi:10.18666/TRJ-2018-V52-I2-8774
Craig, P. J., & Oja, S. N. (2013). Moral judgement changes among undergraduates in a capstone internship experience. JOURNAL OF MORAL EDUCATION, 42(1), 43-70. doi:10.1080/03057240.2012.677603
Craig, P., Wilder, A., Sable, J., & Gravink, J. K. (2013). Promoting Access, Transition, and Health: A Community-Based Approach to Managing Chronic Health Conditions. ATRA Annual, 21, 45-62.
Wilder, A., Craig, P., Sable, J., Gravink, J., Carr, C., & Frye, J. (2011). The PATH-way home: Promoting access, transition, and health for veterans with disabilities.. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 45(4), 268-285.
Project PATH: A Health Promoting Interventin for People with Spinal Cord Injuries (2000).