Dr. Patricia “Trish” Kelshaw is an Assistant Professor and Director of the Brain Research Assessment Initiative of New Hampshire (BRAIN) Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire. She completed her doctoral education and research training at George Mason University in 2020. In 2018, she was awarded a fellowship with the Concussion Research Program through Harvard Medical School. In 2024, she received the Outstanding New Investigator Research Award from UNH's College of Health and Human Services.
Her research endeavors encompass mild traumatic brain injuries among diverse athletes. Her scholarship has included several domains of concussion inquiry including biomechanics, prevention, assessments, recognition, recovery, and policy. Her scholarly pursuits comprise representing the under-represented in concussion research, including varied socio-demographic backgrounds, inclusion of language diversity, and individuals with pre-existing health conditions. She has received unrestricted grant funding from the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment, USA Lacrosse, NH-INBRE (NIH IDeA SEED), and is contracted through the Virginia Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to consult for the Virginia Concussion Initiative. In addition to her research background, Trish is a certified athletic trainer and is experienced in supporting diverse athletes including professional, collegiate, and youth athletes prevent and treat sport-related injuries. She also teaches and mentors undergraduate and graduate students.
Courses Taught
- AT 665: Lab Practcm Athletic Training
- AT 715: Seminar in Athletic Training
- AT 718: Career Prep Athletic Training
- BMS 799H: Senior Honors Thesis
- HS 501: Medical Terminology
- HS 656: Muscskeletal Path Hlth Profs
- HS 696: Independent Study
- HS 699H: Honors Project
- HS 717: Cultural Conds in Health Care
- INCO 590: Student Research Experience
- INCO 790: Advanced Research Experience
Research Interests
- Epidemiology
- Injury Prevention
- Pediatrics/Paediatrics
- Traumatic Brain/Head Injury
- Wearable Technology
Selected Publications
Kelshaw, P. M., Bowman, T. G., Kneavel, M. E., & Rainone, C. (2024). Headgear safety attitudes among women's lacrosse stakeholders: Qualitative results.. J Am Coll Health, 72(8), 2747-2753. doi:10.1080/07448481.2022.2129974
Kelshaw, P. M., Fine, A. C., Beidler, E., & Caswell, S. V. (2024). Language Matters: Comparisons of Concussion Assessments Among English- and Spanish-Speaking Middle School Athletes.. J Athl Train, 59(5), 493-498. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-0362.23
Beidler, E., Kelshaw, P. M., Wallace, J., Larson, M. J., Munce, T. A., Donahue, C. C., . . . Resch, J. E. (2023). Racial identity and concussion diagnosis and recovery trajectories in collegiate athletes: a LIMBIC MATARS investigation.. Brain Inj, 1-9. doi:10.1080/02699052.2023.2253528
Erdman, N. K., Kelshaw, P. M., Hacherl, S. L., & Caswell, S. V. (2023). Footwear Type and Testing Environment Do Not Affect Baseline Modified Balance Error Scoring System Performance Among Middle School Athletes.. J Sport Rehabil, 32(1), 9-13. doi:10.1123/jsr.2021-0396
Erdman, N. K., Kelshaw, P. M., Hacherl, S. L., & Caswell, S. V. (2022). The Clinical Utility of the Child SCAT5 for Acute Concussion Assessment. SPORTS MEDICINE-OPEN, 8(1). doi:10.1186/s40798-022-00499-8
Herman, D. C., Caswell, S. V., Kelshaw, P. M., Vincent, H. K., & Lincoln, A. E. (2022). Association of headgear mandate and concussion injury rates in girls' high school lacrosse. BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 56(17), 970-974. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2021-105031
Kelshaw, P. M., Kneavel, M. E., Bowman, T. G., & Rainone, C. (2022). Headgear safety attitudes: a national survey of collegiate women's lacrosse stakeholders. RESEARCH IN SPORTS MEDICINE. doi:10.1080/15438627.2022.2113880
Kelshaw, P. M., Cook, N. E., Terry, D. P., Cortes, N., Iverson, G. L., & Caswell, S. V. (2022). Interpreting change on the Child Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5th Edition. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE IN SPORT, 25(6), 492-498. doi:10.1016/j.jsams.2022.02.003
Kelshaw, P. M., Eyerly, D. R., Herman, D. C., Vincent, H. K., Hepburn, L., Lincoln, A. E., & Caswell, S. V. (2022). Pilot study to explore girls' lacrosse players' attitudes toward headgear. RESEARCH IN SPORTS MEDICINE. doi:10.1080/15438627.2022.2064222
Kelshaw, P. M., Cook, N. E., Terry, D. P., Iverson, G. L., & Caswell, S. V. (2022). Child Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5th Edition: Normative Reference Values in Demographically Diverse Youth. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 32(2), e126-e133. doi:10.1097/jsm.0000000000000921
Kelshaw, P. M., Cook, N. E., Terry, D. P., Iverson, G. L., & Caswell, S. V. (2022). Child Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5th Edition: Normative Reference Values in Demographically Diverse Youth. CLINICAL JOURNAL OF SPORT MEDICINE, 32(2), E126-E133. doi:10.1097/JSM.0000000000000921
Herman, D. C., Caswell, S. V., Kelshaw, P. M., Vincent, H. K., & Lincoln, A. E. (2021). The Effect of Headgear Use on Concussion Injury Rates in High School Lacrosse. doi:10.1101/2021.10.06.21264026
Iverson, G. L., Kelshaw, P. M., Cook, N. E., & Caswell, S. V. (2021). Middle School Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Have a Greater Concussion History. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 31(5), 438-441. doi:10.1097/jsm.0000000000000773
Herman, D. C., Kelshaw, P. M., Vincent, H. K., Caswell, S. V., & Lincoln, A. E. (2021). Player Perceptions Of Headgear Safety In High School Girls' Lacrosse. In MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE Vol. 53 (pp. 331). Retrieved from https://www.webofscience.com/
Lincoln, A. E., Kelshaw, P. M., Vincent, H. K., Caswell, S. V., & Herman, D. C. (2021). Coaches' Perceptions Of Headgear Safety In High School Girls' Lacrosse. In MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE Vol. 53 (pp. 331). Retrieved from https://www.webofscience.com/
Hacherl, S. L., Kelshaw, P. M., Erdman, N. K., Dunn, R. E., Martin, J. R., Ambegaonkar, J. P., . . . Caswell, S. V. (2021). Concussion Rates Of Sex-matched Sports In US Middle School Athletes Over Five School Years. In MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE Vol. 53 (pp. 204-205). Retrieved from https://www.webofscience.com/
Erdman, N. K., Kelshaw, P. M., Hacherl, S. L., Cortes, N., & Caswell, S. V. (2021). Testing Surface And Footwear Type Significantly Affect Baseline Balance Performance Of Middle School Athletes. In MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE Vol. 53 (pp. 172). Retrieved from https://www.webofscience.com/
Eshelman, M., Kelshaw, P. M., Blackstone, A., Hacherl, S. L., Erdman, N. K., Caswell, A. M., & Caswell, S. V. (2021). Sport Differences In Pediatric Quality Of Life Among Middle School Athletes. In MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE Vol. 53 (pp. 374-375). Retrieved from https://www.webofscience.com/
Kelshaw, P. M., Cook, N. E., Iverson, G. L., Terry, D. P., Erdman, N. K., Hacherl, S. L., . . . Shane, C. V. (2021). Test-Retest Reliability Of The Child Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5Th Edition. In MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE Vol. 53 (pp. 374). Retrieved from https://www.webofscience.com/
Caswell, S. V., Kelshaw, P. M., Lincoln, A. E., Herman, D. C., Hepburn, L. H., Vincent, H. K., . . . Cortes, N. (2020). The Effects of Headgear in High School Girls' Lacrosse. ORTHOPAEDIC JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 8(12). doi:10.1177/2325967120969685
Kelshaw, P. M., Cook, N. E., Iverson, G. L., Cortes, N., & Caswell, S. V. (2020). Examining Acute Effects Of Concussion On The Child Scat5: 3854 Board# 171 May 30 8: 00 AM-9: 30 AM. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 52, 1059-1060.
Hacherl, S. L., Kelshaw, P. M., Lincoln, A. E., Vincent, H. K., Herman, D. C., & Caswell, S. V. (2020). Characterizing Impacts In Girls’ High School Lacrosse Using Video Analysis: 3842 Board# 159 May 30 8: 00 AM-9: 30 AM. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 52, 1056.
Cook, N. E., Kelshaw, P. M., Caswell, S. V., & Iverson, G. L. (2019). Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Perform Differently on Pediatric Concussion Assessment. JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS, 214, 168-+. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2019.07.048
Kelshaw, P. M., Gould, T. E., Jesunathadas, M., Cortes, N., Caswell, A., Edwards, E. D., & Caswell, S. V. (2019). Laboratory Performance Evaluation of Pristine and Used Headgear for Girls' Lacrosse. JOURNAL OF APPLIED BIOMECHANICS, 35(4), 297-302. doi:10.1123/jab.2018-0457
Kelshaw, P. M., Lincoln, A. E., Hepburn, L. H., Herman, D. C., Vincent, H. K., Cortes, N., & Caswell, S. V. (2019). The Effect of Protective Headgear on Frequency and Magnitude of Impacts in Girls' High School Varsity Lacrosse. ARCHIVES OF CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 34(5), 742. doi:10.1093/arclin/acz026.12
Iverson, G. L., Kelshaw, P. M., Cook, N. E., & Caswell, S. V. (2019). Middle School Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Have a Greater Concussion History. ARCHIVES OF CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 34(5), 748. doi:10.1093/arclin/acz026.18
Cook, N. E., Kelshaw, P. M., Caswell, S. V., & Iverson, G. L. (2019). Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Perform Differently on Pediatric Concussion Assessment. ARCHIVES OF CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 34(5), 749. doi:10.1093/arclin/acz026.19
Anderson, C., Hepburn, L. H., Lincoln, A. E., Dunn, R. E., Caswell, S. V., Kelshaw, P., & Griffin, B. D. (2019). Physical Activity Among Youth Lacrosse Players: Full vs. Modified Field Play. In MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE Vol. 51 (pp. 518). doi:10.1249/01.mss.0000562060.06243.08
Johnson, M., Kelshaw, P. M., Hepburn, L. H., Lincoln, A. E., Dunn, R. E., & Caswell, S. V. (2019). Game-Play Characteristics by Field Size in Boys Youth Lacrosse. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 51(6), 517. doi:10.1249/01.mss.0000562055.75748.e5
Kelshaw, P. M., Johnson, M., Hepburn, L. H., Lincoln, A. E., Dunn, R. E., & Caswell, S. V. (2019). Game-Play Characteristics by Field Size in Girls' Youth Lacrosse. In MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE Vol. 51 (pp. 518). doi:10.1249/01.mss.0000562059.06243.85
Caswell, S. V., Kelshaw, P., Lincoln, A. E., Hepburn, L., Dunn, R., & Cortes, N. (2019). Game-Related Impacts in High School Boys' Lacrosse. ORTHOPAEDIC JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 7(4). doi:10.1177/2325967119835587
Kelshaw, P. M., Johnson, M., Hepburn, L. H., Lincoln, A. E., Dunn, R. E., & Caswell, S. V. (2019). Game-Play Characteristics by Field Size in Girls’ Youth Lacrosse: 1939: Board# 95 May 30 3: 30 PM-5: 00 PM. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 51, 518.
Johnson, M., Kelshaw, P. M., Hepburn, L. H., Lincoln, A. E., Dunn, R. E., & Caswell, S. V. (2019). Game-Play Characteristics by Field Size in Boys Youth Lacrosse: 1935: Board# 91 May 30 3: 30 PM-5: 00 PM. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 51, 517.
Anderson, C., Hepburn, L. H., Lincoln, A. E., Dunn, R. E., Caswell, S. V., Kelshaw, P., & Griffin, B. D. (2019). Physical Activity Among Youth Lacrosse Players: Full vs. Modified Field Play: 1940: Board# 96 May 30 3: 30 PM-5: 00 PM. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 51, 518.
Kelshaw, P., Cortes, N., Caswell, A., & Caswell, S. V. (2018). Isometric Cervical Muscle Strength Does Not Affect Head Impact Kinematics in High School Boys' Lacrosse. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ATHLETIC THERAPY & TRAINING, 23(6), 234-238. doi:10.1123/ijatt.2017-0102
Kelshaw, P., Gould, T. E., Jesunathadas, M., Cortes, N., Caswell, A., Edwards, E., & Caswell, S. (2018). Laboratory Assessment of Pristine and Used Soft-Shell Headgear for Girls' High School Lacrosse. In MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE Vol. 50 (pp. 440). Retrieved from https://www.webofscience.com/
Kelshaw, P., Gould, T. E., Jesunathadas, M., Cortes, N., Caswell, A., Edwards, E., & Caswell, S. (2018). Laboratory Assessment of Pristine and Used Soft-Shell Headgear for Girls’ High School Lacrosse: 1852 Board# 113 May 31 3: 30 PM-5: 00 PM. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 50, 440.
Caswell, S. V., Lincoln, A. E., Stone, H., Kelshaw, P., Putukian, M., Hepburn, L., . . . Cortes, N. (2017). Characterizing Verified Head Impacts in High School Girls' Lacrosse. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 45(14), 3374-3381. doi:10.1177/0363546517724754
Kelshaw, P., Cortes, N., Caswell, A., Lincoln, A., & Caswell, S. (2017). Isometric Cervical Muscle Strength Does Not Affect Head Impact Kinematics in High School Boys' Lacrosse. In MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE Vol. 49 (pp. 834-835). doi:10.1249/01.mss.0000519242.50682.de
Caswell, S. V., Kelshaw, P., Diao, G., Ambegaonkar, J., Atkins, R., Johnson, D., . . . Cortes, N. (2016). Head and Neck Circumference Not Risk Factors For Game Concussions Among Youth American Football Players. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 48(5), 876-877. doi:10.1249/01.mss.0000487626.86468.f8
Caswell, S. V., Cortes, N., Chabolla, M., Ambegaonkar, J. P., Caswell, A. M., & Brenner, J. S. (2015). State-specific differences in school sports preparticipation physical evaluation policies. Pediatrics, 135, 26-32.