Emily Peltier

Keeping the UNH Community Safe
Nursing major Emily Peltier

Emily Peltier '23 is a nursing major from Thornton, New Hampshire.

Please describe your job with ConveinentMD.
My job with ConveinentMD involves testing/swabbing members of the UNH community for COVID-19.

Why did you apply for the job?
I wanted to help prevent and reduce the spread of the virus.

What is the most important or interesting thing you've learned so far?
The most interesting thing I have learned and noticed is the community's positive response and gratefulness for student testers.

What does it mean to you to be on the front lines doing essential work to help manage the spread of COVID-19?
I like knowing that I can help prevent the spread of the virus and keep the community safe, especially those who are medically compromised.

How has this experience been valuable for you?
I have learned a lot about the medical aspect and the process behind the current pandemic.

Is there anything about being tested and/or UNH's testing program that you'd like the UNH community or others to know?
This is a necessary process, which has been successful at keeping the community safe.