Jaclyn Cohan

Nursing major Jaclyn Cohan

Jaclyn Cohan '22 is a nursing  major from Westford, Massachusetts.

Please describe your job with ConveinentMD.
I perfome COVID-19 testing and registration.

Why did you apply for the job?
My on-campus job ended because of COVID-19 and I knew the job with ConvenientMD would be good practice in a health care setting.

What is the most important or interesting thing you've learned so far?
The importance of good communication with "patients."

What does it mean to you to be on the front lines doing essential work to help manage the spread of COVID-19?
I worked in a nursing home from March through August, and I really enjoyed the feeling of being there to help those in need. 

How has this experience been valuable for you?
It has been really valuable to see the big impact of the virus overall, and how amazing the people are who are fighting it.

Is there anything about being tested and/or UNH's testing program that you'd like the UNH community or others to know?
Everyone at ConvenientMD and UNH are really doing their best to keep everyone safe, happy and healthy!