Jayne Turkington '16

Jane Turkington

I was accepted into UNH as an undeclared student, hoping to pursue a major in marketing. As I began my first semester as a student in the College of Liberal Arts (COLA), I soon gravitated away from marketing and toward the Communication Department because I knew I wanted to work with people. During that first semester as a Communication Major I was also taking RMP 490 (Recreation and Leisure in Society). I felt as though this class was representing topics, ways of teaching, and clicking really well with the professor was what I was looking for in a college career and knew that RMP was more of a fit for me. After coming to this realization, I reached out to a close family friend who was in the RMP department here at UNH and they told me all about this incredible major. He stressed on how helpful, knowledgeable, personable, and caring all the teachers and facility in the department were. These were qualities that I was looking for within a department and found that transferring to be an RMP major was the best decision I had made coming to UNH! This major focuses so much on being a well-round successful student and person in life. The courses teach you how to communicate effectively with others (in a job setting and with coworkers), how to be comfortable in your own skin, how to gain confidence and how to carry and represent yourself in the absolute best way possible. The professors and department want to help and see you succeed, and they will work with you every step of the way and be the biggest support system.  I have gained so many helpful life skills, opportunities and connections through this major and I can’t thank this major/department enough for such a wonderful college career. I am very proud to say I am an RMP graduate!         

My most memorable experience as a student in the RMP department was when I received my internship at Prescott Park Arts Festival in Portsmouth, NH for the 2015 summer. I was so excited to share my great news with my advisor, Sean McLaughlin and with the rest of the teachers in the department. I have them to thank for that amazing opportunity because I used the skills, tips and tricks in my networking, interview and professional communication that they taught us, to help me stand out over the other 100 applicants also going for the same position. I used so many techniques that I was taught during my internship, from the department and I had such a great experience working with the organization. The teachers and department were so helpful and genually happy for me, which was the best feeling to know I had a huge support team behind me and was there whenever I needed advice.  

Some of my favorite aspects of our program would be the professional relationship of the students, professors, facility and the close-knit community of RMP. I have gained so many life long friends from this department and feel so connected to everyone in my classes. RMP does a great job with involving everyone and focusing on their strengths and improving their weaknesses. Going to class is something that I looked forward to and the material we learn are realistic and are very easy to understand and relate to. My family and friends definitely noticed a positive change in the way I carried myself from the growth in this major and I felt so comfortable. I have excelled more in this major than I would have in any other department on campus; RMP was the perfect path.

I am so glad that I chose this program and I recommend it to anyone because the curriculum is set up to build your resume and gain field experience before graduating. Not every major at the university requires a practicum and internship to be completed for graduation but it was the best experiences I could have gained in college. Having a field experience is such an advantage when going out into the real world because most students haven’t had the opportunity or push to do so. I  recommend this program for future students because it makes the campus feel more like a home and that you always have people and faculty who are there for you and will always help you in any way to be successful. The professors take notice on the amount of work and effort you are putting into your work in and outside of the classroom. RMP is such a diverse program and department; you can fulfill so many different career options with the PEM (Program Event Management) option. Tourism, recreational activities/ departments, festivals, events, hospitality options and so on are examples of different paths that you can follow within the RMP curriculum and department. That’s the great part of RMP!

My advise to future students, college is the best four years of your life; why not have the best experience during your time here! Coming to UNH and choosing RMP was the best decision I have made and it has matured me and given me a deeper appreciation of being an adult, communicating with others and carrying myself in the best way possible; I have no doubt that’s what everyone who has gone through this program will say.  The topics you learn will help you in your professional development, but also your social development as well. RMP gives you the room and the material to grow and become the best version on yourself. I am so glad that I chose RMP and you won’t regret choosing this major! I will truly miss this department and the connections I’ve made with everyone. I have nothing negative to say about this department and it is very near and dear to my heart. This major brings happiness to not only the student but for the people you will be helping. I am so proud to have graduated with an RMP degree!