Name: Marissa Brockman
Hometown: Sudbury, MA
Major: Human Development and Family Studies
Graduation Year: 2019
Looking back on your time at UNH so far, what are you most proud of and why?
Over the past four years, I am most proud of making the decision to study abroad. While it is suggested that you begin preparing a year in advance, in the fall semester of 2017, I decided studying abroad was something I wanted to pursue for the spring. This decision was out of character for me, and gave me the chance to grow in ways I never could have anticipated and put me outside of my comfort zone.
What motivates you?
I have always known that I wanted to help other people. Throughout my time at UNH, I have been exposed to so many different family forms and types of individuals. These opportunities have enabled me to think outside of the box and work with a different population in a different setting than I might have thought. I am motivated to help children who do not have advocates in their life to appropriately support them.
Why did you choose your major?
My first semester at UNH I ended up in two HDFS courses. I really enjoyed those classes, and the professors I had were outstanding so the next semester I transferred into the major. I feel that HDFS perspective encompasses the whole person, and provides me with the knowledge and experience to further myself professionally.
What are you planning to do after graduation?
This coming summer I will be returning to work at the overnight camp I attended in my youth and have worked at for the past five summers. At the end of August, I will be returning to the Durham area to work as a case manager at the Dover Children’s Home in Dover, NH. I was able to complete my internship through HDFS there this year and feel a strong connection to the agency.
How is your experience at UNH preparing you to achieve your goals?
My time at UNH has taught me that there are other valuable perspectives besides my own. Not only have my beliefs and thoughts been challenged in my courses, but also in the organizations I have been a part of. Holding a leadership position in fraternity and sorority life taught me how to work effectively with those who think differently than me.
Any advice for students interested in your major?
My advice to future HDFS students would be to create relationships with the faculty in the department. As you will learn, they have all done amazing and interesting work throughout their careers, and they are eager to teach you and provide you with opportunities and guidance to further your education.
What do you love about UNH?
UNH has become my home over the last four years. This campus has allowed me to make mistakes, create lifelong friendships, try new experiences, and feel successful academically.