Regan Doherty

HMP major Regan Doherty

Looking back on your time at UNH so far, what are you most proud of and why?

I would say I am most proud of the friends and connections I have been able to make throughout my four years here. I think besides academics, the one thing I will be able to take away from college is the best friends I have; I'm so very thankful and proud of my friendships with them.

What motivates you?

I would say my family, specifically my grandfather has always been someone that motivates me to strive for success. Outside of family I would say my professors and advisors have always motivated me to do my best.

Why did you choose your major?

HMP appealed to me because of how tight knit it is and how the professors really get to know you as a person and as a student. I had never had that kind of academic community before and when I found out about it and how it aligned with what I wanted to do after graduation, I knew it was the perfect place for me.

What are you planning to do after graduation?

I am attending Boston University for my Masters in Public Health with a concentration in Health Policy & Law!

How is your experience at UNH preparing you to achieve your goals?

The HMP program fosters a community-like environment that has given me the academic support I needed throughout college. I had never been a super strong academic student in high school but with my professor's and advisor's support I was able to find my confidence and be able to achieve my goals at UNH and beyond.

Any advice for students interested in your major?

I would say it is in your best benefit to get to know the HMP professors, they are all amazing people and want to help you succeed ! Get as involved as your schedule allows. CHHS offers a lot of student involvement opportunities, so take advantage!

Finally, tell us one reason you love UNH. 

I am part of Phi Sigma SIgma and was able to serve on the executive board my junior into senior year. I loved getting a chance to be a part of the fraternity and sorority life community while at UNH!