Sam Winn

Health and PE student Sam Winn

Major: Health and Physical Education

Sam Winn was a Health and Physical Education major at UNH, and very involved within the UNH community.

After starting out as an Athletic Training major, Winn decided to transfer to the Health and Physical Education program.

“I heard about PE from someone that was in one of my classes, so I took a class called Team Sports and fell in love with it. I’ve always wanted to be a teacher and I decided to combine my love for sports and health and being a teacher. I made the switch my second semester freshman year.”

In addition to classroom experience, the Heath and Physical Education major allows for students to get real teaching experience in the classroom.

“Part of out curriculum to become Health and PE teachers is to do 60 hours of practicum teaching in an elementary school, 60 hours in a middle or high school, and 60 hours of health.”

“I’ve did 60 hours at Mast Way Elementary School and 60 hours at Newmarket Junior / Senior High School which is nice because I got to see what its like to teach middle and high school.”

Several faculty members played an important role in Winn’s love for the Health and Physical Education major and helped her receive great opportunities outside of the classroom.

“Michelle Griner helped me and told me about Camp Abilities. It is a camp for people with disabilities and I went to North Carolina to work with youth who are visually impaired. I volunteered at the camp and we did adventure activities like climbing and white water rafting.”

Winn is also in the accelerated master’s program.

"Starting August 2018 I’ll be doing a year-long internship teaching in an elementary school and a semester in either a middle school or a high school and then I’ll have my masters.”

In addition to all of this, Winn is also an active member of the UNH community. 

“I’m a CA which is basically an RA but for the apartments. I’m in the ‘Cat Pack Captains, which is the school spirit organization on campus, and I used to be on the executive board for the Campus Living Association. It is definitely a lot of work and time management but I really enjoy it and believe being involved on campus is important.”