Sarah Flaherty

Update from Limerick, Ireland
Sarah Flaherty in Ireland

Hello from Ireland! I'm past the halfway mark of my semester studying at the University of Limerick, and I am already distraught about the thought of leaving. Ireland is AMAZING and I am having the time of my life! I am taking a few courses to fulfill requirements back at UNH, a few P.E. classes for the experience, and a few Irish culture classes. Classes have been great so far; it's very interesting seeing the teaching styles and the differences between P.E. in the states and P.E. here. I am also learning the Irish language (Gaelic), and learning how to play the tin whistle as part of my traditional Irish music and dance course! I'll be able to put on a concert for ye when I get back.

The best decision that I have made here was to join clubs; just like it was when I first went to UNH. I am playing ultimate Frisbee on the university team at UL (as I do back at UNH), and that as a whole has been the highlight of my trip. I have made so many Irish friends (as well as a few other exchangees) through the team, and have been able to travel around Ireland for various tournaments. I also joined the Outdoor Pursuits Club here, and have gone on a few hiking trips around the country, a caving trip, and get to rock climb at the wall on campus weekly.

I am still looking forward to exploring more of Ireland and dreading exams (just like any other college student). Hope all at UNH is fantastic, see you all soon! Sláinte