Taylor Sheehan

Health Management and Policy major Taylor Sheehan

Looking back on your time at UNH so far, what are you most proud of and why?

I am really proud of how far I have come as a student. My grades have completely turned around since freshman year. I came into UNH as an undeclared student with no idea what I wanted to do when I graduated. This made it hard for me to stay motivated when I didn’t have an end goal in sight. After realizing I want to do something in the healthcare industry and moving into HMP, my focus has been set and I feel like this is exactly where I am supposed to be.

What motivates you?

My goal is to attend a Physician Assistant program after I graduate and it motivates me to work hard and expand upon my experiences as a student. My family also motivates me to be the best student I can possibly be and to continue and improve daily.

Why did you choose your major?

I chose Health Management and Policy as I have always wanted to work in healthcare. A perk of HMP is that it is a tight-knit community, and you are able to grow close with many of your peers. Before I joined HMP, I didn't have a lot of confidence academically but with the support of my advisor, professors, and peers, I have thrived in this major.

What are you planning to do after graduation?

I am planning on working for a year or two after graduation to gain patient care hours, then attending a Physician Assistant program.

How is your experience at UNH preparing you to achieve your goals?

As an HMP major, we take a pre-practicum course designed to help us land internships by working on resumes, cover letters, and interview skills. I am also a member of the Pre-PA Student Association which is an organization for students who are interested in becoming Physician Assistants. I believe UNH has so much to offer in regards to gaining experiences and learning skills that you will take into your professional career.

Any advice for students interested in your major?

I believe the HMP major is a perfect choice for anyone who wants to work in the healthcare field, without needing to have clinical experience. Courses range from Public Health and Epidemiology, to Finance and Management of Healthcare Organizations. Healthcare is not just a clinical profession- there are so many administrative duties to keep hospitals and other healthcare organizations running.

Finally, tell us one reason you love UNH. 

I love UNH as there are so many opportunities to grow individually and professionally. I like attending a fairly large university socially, but being in a small major academically, which UNH is the perfect place for.