Scott McNamara Profile

Scott McNamara

Assistant Professor
Phone: (603) 862-1835
Office: UNH Kinesiology, New Hampshire Hall, Durham, NH 03824

Dr. Scott McNamara is an assistant professor at the University of New Hampshire who teaches physical education and adapted physical education (APE) courses. Dr. McNamara is originally from Detroit, Michigan, and has experience as both an adapted physical educator and special educator. Dr. McNamara has developed the “What’s New in APE” podcast which provides insight into the profession through interviews with panels of APE professionals. The podcast provides easily accessible updates and best practices regarding the APE profession. Dr. McNamara received his Ph.D. from Texas Woman’s University, where he examined how to use podcasts to impact special education administrators’ understanding of APE. Utilizing a diverse array of research methodologies, particularly qualitative and survey research, Dr. McNamara is committed to understanding how to provide higher-quality physical education services to disabled children. More specifically, his research interests include knowledge translation of best APE practices, development of research-informed programs to disseminate information about APE, and how a host of important groups (e.g., parents, school administrators) can facilitate access to quality physical education and APE services for disabled children. Along these lines of inquiry, Dr. McNamara has authored/co-authored over 55 peer-reviewed publications, received $1.32 million in grant funding, and presented over 90 referred presentations to local, regional, national, and international audiences. Dr. McNamara is also the coordinator for the fully funded graduate program in Adapted Physical Education, which is a 1 year-long program that prepares students to instruct and assess disabled children.

Courses Taught

  • EDUC 694D: Supervised Teaching/Kin
  • HPE 500: Intro to Health and PE
  • HPE 570: Elementary PE Practicum
  • HPE 610: Elementary PE Pedagogy
  • HPE 655: Middle/Sec PE Pedagogy
  • HPE 694: Supervised Teach in Health/PE
  • HPE 781: Inclusion in PE
  • HPE/KIN 781/881: Adapted Physical Education
  • KIN 842: Assessment in Adapted PE
  • KIN 950: Internship


  • Ph.D., Texas Woman'S Univ
  • M.Ed., Wayne State University
  • B.S., Wayne State University

Research Interests

  • Developmental Disabilities
  • Persons with Disabilities - Services For
  • Physical Education
  • Podcast

Selected Publications

  • McNamara, S., Pitchford, E. A., & Case, L. (2024). Familiarity of Adapted Physical Activity Among Undergraduate Students: Personal Connection Matters. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 35(3), 175-184. doi:10.1177/10442073231185262

  • McNamara, S. W. T., Craig, P., Henly, M., & Gravink, J. (2024). Relegated to the Sidelines: A Qualitative Inquiry of Gatekeepers' Perspectives and Values of Physical Education for Disabled Children.. Adapt Phys Activ Q, 41(4), 573-592. doi:10.1123/apaq.2023-0174

  • Townsley, M., & McNamara, S. W. T. (2024). “PE Is More Than Playing Kick Ball the Entire Hour”: Using Standards-Based Grading to Elevate Physical Education’s Status Among Preservice Physical Educators. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 43(4), 733-739. doi:10.1123/jtpe.2023-0064

  • Kinder, C. J., McNamara, S. W. T., Woods, A. M., Mueller, A., Ryba, K., & Richards, K. A. (2024). School Administrators’ Perspectives on and Support for Physical Education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 43(3), 451-460. doi:10.1123/jtpe.2023-0112

  • McNamara, S. W. T., & Min, S. D. (2024). Understanding why educational professionals engage with podcasts: Educational Podcasts Motivational Scale development and validation. British Journal of Educational Technology, 55(4), 1728-1746. doi:10.1111/bjet.13428

  • McNamara, S., Healy, S., & Haegele, J. (2021). Use of Social Media for Professional Development by Physical Educators Who Teach Students with Disabilities. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISABILITY DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION, 68(5), 690-701. doi:10.1080/1034912X.2019.1699649

  • Moriarty, T., Bourbeau, K., Fontana, F., McNamara, S., & Pereira da Silva, M. (2021). The Relationship between Psychological Stress and Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors during COVID-19 among Students in a US Midwest University. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 18(9). doi:10.3390/ijerph18094752

  • McNamara, S. W. T., Becker, K. A., Weigel, W., Marcy, P., & Haegele, J. (2019). Influence of Attentional Focus Instructions on Motor Performance Among Adolescents With Severe Visual Impairment. PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS, 126(6), 1145-1157. doi:10.1177/0031512519869090

  • McNamara, S. W. T., Becker, K. A., & Silliman-French, L. M. (2017). The Differential Effects of Attentional Focus in Children with Moderate and Profound Visual Impairments. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 8. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01804

  • Dillon, S. R., Adams, D., Goudy, L., Bittner, M., & McNamara, S. (2017). Evaluating Exercise as Evidence-Based Practice for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH, 4. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2016.00290

  • Most Cited Publications