
Meet an ACE Mentor
Meet ACE Mentor Sarah Phelps
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Sam Winn was a Health and Physical Education major at UNH, and very involved within the UNH community.
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Spotlight on Anna Vogt
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Spotlight on Kevin Parsons
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Spotlight on Molly Britton
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A Passion for Helping Others
I enrolled in the social work department because ever since I was little I knew that I wanted to do something within the helping profession, & the social work department does an amazing job of not only teaching students how to help people on a direct practice level, but also on macro levels…
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The Road to Life in Ghana
Uncovering how occupational therapy can benefit individuals living with sickle cell disease in Ghana. 
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Lisa Wilson, a current student in the UNH Online Doctor of Nursing Practice Program, recently received an $8,000 nursing scholarship from the NLN Foundation for Nursing Education, which plays a central role in empowering nurse educators in America. Lisa was one of only eight students in the United…
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Meredith Feenstra is a junior at UNH, majoring in Health Management and Policy. Coming from southern Maine, she entered UNH as a bioengineering major but has always been interested in health care.
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Sau Leung (Stefanie) Cheung is a graduate student at UNH in the occupational therapy (OT) program. Cheung has always been passionate about OT, so entering the program at UNH was a natural fit. “I received OT service when I was younger. I feel like it was really helpful for me and it was not like…
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